I started way way back with picking up things I liked in the horror genre, Hellraiser 7", tortured souls 7 & 12" I really liked McFarlanes early stuff, but didn't have the room or money. Then I got older and a better job and discovered the SSC New Line Horror figures. But they started getting crazy with all the variations. I stuck with classic versions for me. Jason pt 3' Michael H1, Freddy pt 1. Got caught up in the variations and PO world and then boycotted for a while. Then I saw the PF Godfather and thought it would be nice, which it was for a while. Then I saw the HT Godfather and was blown away by the detail, accessories, diorama. Makes the PF look like crap...hence I'm selling. I decided that 1/6 is the way for me. I grew up with the original GI Joes, Bionic Man, SW, mego Batman & Robin, Superman 12 inch and then everything got smaller...7"...3". That's why I went nuts and bought the crap GI Joe HOF when they came out in 1990's and why my son has literally 25 GI Joe 12 inch now. Then as I saw them evolve with earlier Terminator & Pred versions, I held off due to space and stupidly the "pose able model kits" truly prevented me from ordering early Preds, no other reason. But as they evolved and the coolness factor does it for me. I am hooked. I don't desire alter ego figures but like the IM WM heads included. I now PO anything I remotely like. Spent enough in secondary buying what I wanted...still a few left I would pay a premium. I would say movies are the dominant theme, action horror and scifi. But if it has a cool factor for me, which probably touches some childhood GI Joe nerve, I will buy it. Good thread.