Do you think SS will make a "Jabba's Palace" Han?

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Super Freak
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May 22, 2006
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Eden Prairie, MN
With slicked back hair and stained shirt? Possible carbonite block accessory and inclusive skiff guard blaster pistol?

Or will they just let the ESB version be as far as Jabba's palace is concerned?

And I know, I know, many of you don't want to see another Han for like six million years until after they've made Bea Arthur and the kids from the Ewok Adventures yadda yadda.

They've made Jabba, now I want them to make everyone who stood before him....
Not really my "most wanted" figure. I would first prefer the S & V line to be better developed with SS offering more seedy characters from Jabba's Palace........
If you read Jabba's description panel on SSC it does an awful lof of talking about Han in Carbonite. Thats the Han I most want from Jabba's palace. I think han with his slicked back hair is too specific (and short) a scene, where I think Bespin Han with no jacket ot holster would do just as well. Just my opinion tho. :D
pixletwin said:
If you read Jabba's description panel on SSC it does an awful lof of talking about Han in Carbonite. Thats the Han I most want from Jabba's palace. I think han with his slicked back hair is too specific (and short) a scene, where I think Bespin Han with no jacket ot holster would do just as well. Just my opinion tho. :D
Yeah after I wrote that I realized that the slicked hair was just for the first few moments and that after Chewie roughed it up it was back to normal for the "Sarlacc sentencing" scene. :D

I was just thinking about him and his carbonite block and who would come with it. Plus I'll probably be unloading my Exclusive Han on pre-order and then pick it back up later on the aftermarket (the regular version though, I'll never display him with a mynock) and got to wondering what Han they'll leave us for the Jabba dioramas. :)
I don't want a Carbonite sickness version of Han. Carbo Han is a different story. I have a feeling that once SSC announces the 12" version of Boba Fett, we'll have a Carbonite Han "environment" to go with him.
Yeah I would want a HIC too. Not to mention Lando in disguise, Fett, Gamorrean Guard, 3PO and R2
Wow picture it:

Inclusive ESB Boba Fett w/Carbonite Block Accessory pack.

Sideshow inclusive edition includes ROTJ paint scheme and gun in place of the ESB versions. Additional accessory for the ROTJ inclusive edition is his broken blaster.

Maybe that's too much for one Boba Fett order but it would certainly be the definitive release!
Khev said:
Maybe that's too much for one Boba Fett order but it would certainly be the definitive release!
I think that all of us who've ordered Jabba, the environment and accessory pack proves that nothing is "too much". :lol
Batty said:
I think that all of us who've ordered Jabba, the environment and accessory pack proves that nothing is "too much". :lol
Ha, yep, and I'm one of you. :)

Boba Fett - $65
Broken ROTJ Blaster - $35
Han in Carbonite - $200

I kid, I kid...
I'd think more people will want the carbonized han more than a just freed from carbonite Han. The carbo block is too big to be an accessory and would be an accessory pack I'm sure.
Khev said:
... Han in Carbonite - $200 I kid, I kid...
We all know Sideshow will make an awesome Carbonite Han. If the side panels light up, I would seriously drop (at least) $70 for that alone and probably more.... the addiction makes me shudder.... :monkey5
Darklord Dave said:
I'd think more people will want the carbonized han more than a just freed from carbonite Han. The carbo block is too big to be an accessory and would be an accessory pack I'm sure.

Agreed, but my question is, we have had talking 1/6 figures in the past what about a HIC with a lighted panel??? Anyone think it's possible?? I can dream right :D

edlt-- just saw your post pixeltwin, seems we're on the same wavelength.
Another thing I hope they do is offer up a chunk of wall from Jabba's palace to attach the Carbonite to so you could have it sitting next to Jabba himself and not just propped up on a pillow or something (or hanging from your real wall back with the Mandalorian artifacts.)

They literally could spend an entire year or more's worth of releases on Jabba's Palace (and I'm glad they won't simply due to cost.)
oxbeard said:
Agreed, but my question is, we have had talking 1/6 figures in the past what about a HIC with a lighted panel??? Anyone think it's possible?? I can dream right.
You know it is possible. This is Sideshow we're talking about! :D
oxbeard said:
-- just saw your post pixeltwin, seems we're on the same wavelength.
Great minds, etc... :lol
Lets not forget the Max Rebo Band!

Bring forth the whole crew from Jabba's Palace IMO.

We need a Jabba smilie for the board, too. :D
Booyah! said:
Bring forth the whole crew from Jabba's Palace IMO.
I agree, but there's so many of them....

I'd be fine with (in addition to what's been announced):

Slave Leia
Lando (Skiff Disguise)
Greedo (to represent one of the Rodians seen in the palace)
Boba Fett
Gamorrean Guard
and one other alien (probably Ree Yees or Squidhead)

Any more than that would probably be too crowded. If they really do end up releasing Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, and Droopy McCool (I have no idea how that last name came to me after not hearing it for oh...probably a decade at least) I'd probably have to get those too.
denger4000 said:
Max Rebo band! remeber hasbro was going to make them? they never did though....

Yep, Walmart exclusives. Sy and Droopy in one pack, Max and his keyboard thingy in another.

Along with those, I think a few other 1/6 scale protoypes were floating around or at least rumored from Hasbro....Probe Droid, Nute Gunray, Arc Trooper, Senator Palpatine, Mars Guro....can't think of who else at the moment.
I want another ESB Han just because they screwed up the face on the first one. Pity. :(
pixletwin said:
You know it is possible. This is Sideshow we're talking about! :D

Great minds, etc... :lol

I think there are 3 options available to them.

1.) Sell it with a wall base or some other items as an environment. Probably be lighted (lets pray its better than Hasbro's attempt :rotfl ). Guess price: 30 to 60 bucks (depends on whats included).

2.) Make it an accessory, but there would be heck to pay if it was an exclusive.

3.) Include it in a 2 pack... maybe Boba and his regular accessories plus a lighted HiC for 80 to 90 bucks.

While I doubt they could do it.. how about a Han in Carbonite as the main figure... with 2 Ugnaughts as "accessories"? Sign me up ! :lol