Do you think SS will make a "Jabba's Palace" Han?

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pixletwin said:
We all know Sideshow will make an awesome Carbonite Han. If the side panels light up, I would seriously drop (at least) $70 for that alone and probably more.... the addiction makes me shudder.... :monkey5

Colorful, light up panels on the sides is a must! I also want to place it in a wall facade with the combination keypad on the side. That would go great to display to the left of Jabba.
Khev said:
I agree, but there's so many of them....

I'd be fine with (in addition to what's been announced):

Slave Leia
Lando (Skiff Disguise)
Greedo (to represent one of the Rodians seen in the palace)
Boba Fett
Gamorrean Guard
and one other alien (probably Ree Yees or Squidhead)

Any more than that would probably be too crowded. If they really do end up releasing Max Rebo, Sy Snootles, and Droopy McCool (I have no idea how that last name came to me after not hearing it for oh...probably a decade at least) I'd probably have to get those too.

What, no love for Oola with Rancor? :D

oh, and we'll need Klattu, Barada, a Nikto and a Weequay!

Someone stop me, Im getting out of hand.....
The only costume difference between an ESB Bespin Han and a ROTJ Han would be the Endor trenchcoat right?

I really don't see SS making another Han other than the ANH Smuggler's costume and ESB Hoth, esp not for one different accessory or slicked-back hair sculpt. Maaaaybe as something like a Con exclusive, but I doubt it.
Han Solo's character is one of the main reasons why Star Wars became so popular to such a large audience. I think he deserves multiple incarnations, just as Luke and Leia.
I'm still waiting for an attractive (less pudgy) Han to be more fitting with the attractive Leia.:D

Look at Harrison's profile, Sideshow. How could you mess it up!?:confused:

I think it will be quite a while before we see a Slave Leia, though. All of the joints showing on a scantly clad body will look awful. They'll need to design a new female nude body or license Triad's version, at the very least.

As for a new Han figure, I can see a classic ANH version as well as a Hoth version being done. The Carbonite Han is a definite as well and blinking lights are a must-have.

Now for the important question: Where's Chewie?! :chew
FlyAndFight said:
I think it will be quite a while before we see a Slave Leia, though. All of the joints showing on a scantly clad body will look awful. They'll need to design a new female nude body
Hasn't SS already stated that they are doing just that? I'm sure their Slave Leia will be along the lines of the Triad sculpt which would be just fine for me.

Look how soon they whipped up a screen accurate Jabba. I wouldn't be surprised if Slave Leia came out sooner than most people think (though just the fact that we have a Boussh now implies we won't see her again for at least a year.)

Given the current "no two different costumes for a character in one year" rule I *really* hope we get a Skiff Guard Lando before the ESB version.

Luke, Leia, and Han (if you take his jacket and holster off) all are here or coming in their Jabba's Palace incarnations. Hopefully they don't break from for the first Lando.
JustinLuck said:
I'm still waiting for an attractive (less pudgy) Han to be more fitting with the attractive Leia.:D

Look at Harrison's profile, Sideshow. How could you mess it up!?:confused:


At the sculpting panel at SDCC, Mat Falls addressed this to a degree. He said that a sculpt will look much better when they first sculpt it. There sculpt is then thinned out and sometimes almosted ruined in production. It is not there fault, but the production's fault. I too was on of those that thought "How can he do Luke so well and mess up on Han?" Well he didn't. Han looks MUCH better in person. It just doesnt' photograph well. I think most people will be pleased by Han when he arrives.

To Mat Falls, if you are reading. At SDCC, you said that the message boards are very tempting to join. Please join us. You can let us better understand what happens to a sculpt. I always thought it was the sculpter's fault when a piece didn't look good. Now because you explaned it at SDCC, I realize it is not the sculpter's fault at all. So please join us and enlighten us. We just don't know what is the sculpter's fault and what is not if they don't let us know. I know if you are a member, others will probably try to just give positive criticsim instead of just bashing. We just don't understand what you guys go through until you tell us. So tell us, we'll understand. :D
I second that. I would be delighted if you joined Matt. Andy posts occasionally and it would be great to see you around here too!
Entropy Chicken said:
The only costume difference between an ESB Bespin Han and a ROTJ Han would be the Endor trenchcoat right?

Nope - Different shirt & Black Combat Waistcoat, not to mention the different trousers and boots - LOL
abstractharmony said:
Nope - Different shirt & Black Combat Waistcoat, not to mention the different trousers and boots - LOL

That is correct. He had time to get cleaned up before the Endor mission.