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Well i dread the next regeneration because it looks almost a certainty that the feminists will get their way with a female Doctor. It really opens a massive can of worms if you consider the Doctor and the Master's whole relationship, which they retconned into being from an early age. Its just getting too wierd for my liking....

Pixletwin why do you think an evil Romana is a bad thing? She went into the unknown of E-Space, couldn't something happen to her that causes this drastic change in her character? Like Kamadi says the Master has been overused when it comes to a renegade Timelord adversary for the Doctor, we haven't seen Romana on screen for over 30 years and the Rhani only had 2 tv stories.
Well i dread the next regeneration because it looks almost a certainty that the feminists will get their way with a female Doctor. It really opens a massive can of worms if you consider the Doctor and the Master's whole relationship, which they retconned into being from an early age. Its just getting too wierd for my liking....

Pixletwin why do you think an evil Romana is a bad thing? She went into the unknown of E-Space, couldn't something happen to her that causes this drastic change in her character? Like Kamadi says the Master has been overused when it comes to a renegade Timelord adversary for the Doctor, we haven't seen Romana on screen for over 30 years and the Rhani only had 2 tv stories.

It would be totally counter to her character. Everything we know about Romana. It just would make no sense. Whatsoever. At the very worst, Romana could take on a bureaucratic role - doing the wrong thing with good intentions - but I don't think there has ever been the slightest hint at a darker side to Romana where something like that could make narrative sense.
Well i dread the next regeneration because it looks almost a certainty that the feminists will get their way with a female Doctor. It really opens a massive can of worms if you consider the Doctor and the Master's whole relationship, which they retconned into being from an early age. Its just getting too wierd for my liking....

Pixletwin why do you think an evil Romana is a bad thing? She went into the unknown of E-Space, couldn't something happen to her that causes this drastic change in her character? Like Kamadi says the Master has been overused when it comes to a renegade Timelord adversary for the Doctor, we haven't seen Romana on screen for over 30 years and the Rhani only had 2 tv stories.

Does Godwin's law apply to playing the feminist card yet?

i do get the master being overused, however. wonder if we will see the monk ever again.
They could also bring back The War Chief (or at least the War Lords with their SIDRATs). They would be formidable adversaries.
Thought the final ep was great :rock

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Great finale that would've been perfect for me if not for the stupid idea of making the Master a woman, i'm sure someone will criticise the Iron Man i mean Cybermen but it really didn't deflect from a great episode.

Wonder if they'll be brave enough to have an Earth free season next time?
Good finale, but I was a bit bummed to see the Cybermen once again reduced to being a McGuffin for some other villain instead of being the villains in their own right. I suppose they will never return to the former glory they enjoyed during the Troughton era.
Wasn't the masters essence put into the ring that a woman's hand picked up?.. I tend to watch these episodes after having a few drinks and don't put much thought into them once they air. The master didn't regenerate into female form.. It was some Russell T Davis callback
Another superb episode - great way to finish off Series 8. Loved the way they handled everything.

Capaldi has been a great Doctor and for me it's been a fantastic series - I will miss my Doctor Who fix on a Saturday evening :( ...good thing I have all those box sets and classic Who DVDs to go through!

Roll on Christmas - can't wait for the special!! :rock


Anyone else think the same hehe
I briefly did a double take last night wondering if

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I briefly did a double take last night wondering if

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You weren't alone in thinking that, but after a few seconds i just thought it was Moffatt ******ing with the audiences minds. We still don't know who Clara really is, i hope Moffatt makes her Susan, it would make perfect sense with Susan stranded on Earth but with the Timelord knowledge she could've found a way to time travel in the Doctor's timeline.

Wasn't the masters essence put into the ring that a woman's hand picked up?.. I tend to watch these episodes after having a few drinks and don't put much thought into them once they air. The master didn't regenerate into female form.. It was some Russell T Davis callback

The ring was recovered by Lucy Saxon and the Saxon Cult were responsible for the Master's reincarnation/re-embodied, he was then sent into the Time-Lock by #11 along with Rassilon. When #12 released the Time-Lock i presume he/she was freed along with any other trapped Timelord or Timelady. The problem is that Osbourne said to Missy that she was "the Master regenerated into female form" and Missy didn't correct her. Otherwise as seen clearly in The Keeper of Traken and less so in Doctor Who: The Movie the Master has the ability to take over another persons body.
The Clara intro was just supposed to be fun added to Clara's bluff (and that is all it was. Nothing more to it).
I've really enjoyed this series' darker tone.
Happy to let my son(5yo) watch Tennant / Smith episodes but these ones were far too scary for him so he's blissfully unaware they exist.
Clara's getting a wee bit too angsty for my liking.
I'm hoping they don't ruin the "impossible girl" background with some outrageous twist.

but that last episode...Father Christmas. WTF!?!
Almost ruined everything for me.
Well Jenna did quit, I doubt more will be on to it. As for the the whole Clara/Doctor thing, it's merely a bluff. Let's not forget how Robin Hood told the Doctor almost everything about him. Also she has crossed his time stream so information has been retained when she was saved and led to the Day of the Doctor. It's safe to say she isn't the female Doctor, on the other hand I would be interested as to getting a female Doctor. Moffat has considered it; it's a though to imagine.

I found this season to go either way. I enjoyed maybe half of the episodes, the others I felt no interest. I certainly will be buying it, and I can see Capaldi for maybe another 2 seasons. We still haven't found out why exactly that face was chosen for the regeneration.

On the note of this being dark, I absolutely love it. I mean I love Tennant and Smith, but this is exactly what we needed. Why else do people enjoy the Nolan Batman trilogy, it shows a darkness and truth in the characters.

Now to wonder who or next companion will be.
Series 9 rumors from GB, which my gut tells me are likely true:

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