I can't begin to express how much I hate the word woke, both grammatically and functionally. The phrase sounds so dull, like an excuse for any further discussion. It's devolved into a descriptor for - absolutely anything- someone doesn't like or agree with which questions the status quo.
Accidentally received rainbow sprinkles on your mcflurry instead of chocolate? It's the woke agenda!11!1!1!!
The second someone throws that word into any conversation I struggle to stay present because I know they are they type of person to get mad at a Starbucks cup. We as a society have to have discourse at a higher level than all-encompasing terms.
That being said (bear with me), I'm not a fan of pandering, I believe it's important to organically show atypical narratives, and I think there's a way to be inclusive without being preachy (see Spider-verse). Sounds like the newest Who missed the mark in some of those regards. Idk, I haven't been on that train since early Capaldi. But Who, even at it's height, has always been supported by alternative viewers. In the US, that was what I would call "the Hot Topic" audience. Generally more progressive, against or tangental to the societal norm. So to see Who come back with...surprise...a strong push using views likely shared by the audience who once supported it at its biggest success...well that doesn't seem so crazy.