Does anybody here have Celiac Disease by any chance ?.

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Super Freak
Dec 16, 2007
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United Kingdom
I've been really ill and lost a lot of weight over the last few months and they think I might be Celiac , one test came back negative a few months ago but I cut out wheat anyway. I had allergy tests done last week and I have a wheat allergy and apparently there's technically no difference between a wheat allergy and celiac desease so now I am celiac ?. :dunno

They want me to start eating wheat again and then test me in 2 weeks for Celiac desease again but there's still a chance it could come back negative even if I have it and then I've put wheat back into my body defeating the whole purpose of cutting it out months ago and it can take months to feel any benefit of cutting it out !. :gah:
I don't have Celiac disease, but strangely was just reading an article about it and how a lot of people are not eating gluten (w/o a medical need) believing it to be healthier.

I have a friend that was diagnosed with it and she would get ridiculously sick if she had anything with gluten in it. I was thinking that there is a dfference between a wheat allergy and cealic though.
Yeah , it seems it's a really hard thing to sort out. I think I'm going to go on a very basic diet of vegetables and meat , just a lot of it , then see how I feel.
I do know you are supposed to be eating gluten for a period of time before getting tested... but sounds like it can be very hellacious. Good luck with it!
I've been really ill and lost a lot of weight over the last few months and they think I might be Celiac , one test came back negative a few months ago but I cut out wheat anyway. I had allergy tests done last week and I have a wheat allergy and apparently there's technically no difference between a wheat allergy and celiac desease so now I am celiac ?. :dunno

They want me to start eating wheat again and then test me in 2 weeks for Celiac desease again but there's still a chance it could come back negative even if I have it and then I've put wheat back into my body defeating the whole purpose of cutting it out months ago and it can take months to feel any benefit of cutting it out !. :gah:

There is a difference between wheat allergy and Celiac disease with Celiac disease being the worst of the two. I have a friend who shouldn't have wheat gluten but she does from time to time. One in 5 Americans has wheat allergy.
My wife has celiac disease. It is an auto-immune illness so it's not really quite the same as an allergy. Once it was determined what she had, she has found since she stopped eating gluten that each time she is accidentally "glutened" at a restaurant, her reaction is stronger.

There is safe food out there, but unfortunately the price is often jacked-up because it is a "speciality product." Many restaurants are starting to post menus identifying gluten-free dishes, but there is still the risk of cross-contamination unless they take it really seriously.

At lunch today, her gluten free omelette came with bread on the plate. Explaining to the waitress why it needed to be sent back was not too bad this time, but sometimes they think you are nuts or just being a jerk.

Good luck with your diet!
There is someone here with it because I had a conversation with them in one of the diet threads. I think it was mfoga, but don't quote me.
I'm not a celiac but definitely have a sensitivity. A friend of mine is seriously celiac and it was after talking with her about the symptoms that I finally realized what may be wrong with me. So a while ago, I took a year off of eating gluten while doing some things to actively heal my gut. I can now eat artisan sourdoughs but I still suffer after eating anything sprouted, oatmeal, etc. I basically eat an Atkins diet w lots of veggies and I feel great. :D
Good luck to you. I really hope that you just have a wheat allergy. There is a difference between the two. Just because you are allergic to wheat doesn't mean you have the disease. My uncle is allergic to wheat and as long as he is careful with what he eats, he doesn't have a problem. If he does eat wheat he breaks out, has hay fever etc.

If you have any doubts, do yourself a favor and get a second opinion.
I have a good friend who is a vegetarian who is also lactose intolerant and who is allergic to gluten.

WTF do you eat?
Here's a new food blog run by someone who has celiac. She's a great food blogger...she's cooking her way through "French Laundry at Home" and the recent "Alinea" cookbook. You should take a look at it..
Thanks for all this support and info guys. I really appreciate it.
Frustratingly I've just today realised I've been eating something that contains wheat since I started the so called " wheat free diet ". :slap
I'm not surprised I wasn't feeling much better.