don't believe in the blood for oil theory?

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Super Freak
Apr 21, 2007
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think again while paying $4.00 a gallon and more. the washington post seems to think this theory is valid, being that oil prices have tripled since the u.s. occupation of iraq in 2003.

i will request if you voice your opinion in this thread, please make valid points without a political agenda and NO namecalling. i'm getting weary of serious threads i've started getting locked for this reason. thanks and read more here...
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It takes a while to build oil pipelines and use the crude oil once extracted from the ground. The US has already secured all the Iraqi oil fields and as far as I know, production has not stopped entirely. Why the public is not getting any of it is beyond me. Maybe the oil companies are trying to gain as much profit as possible before the production influx floods the market. After all, the oil companies have made the most profit ever in history these recent months although supposedly, production has been limited.:rolleyes:
It takes a while to build oil pipelines and use the crude oil once extracted from the ground. The US has already secured all the Iraqi oil fields and as far as I know, production has not stopped entirely. Why the public is not getting any of it is beyond me. Maybe the oil companies are trying to gain as much profit as possible before the production influx floods the market. After all, the oil companies have made the most profit ever in history these recent months although supposedly, production has been limited.:rolleyes:

Yeah,I think they are trying to get as much money as they can out of us.These things do not happen by accident.Our economy is carefully and strategically orchestrated by the powers at be.They will make us suffer while they get fat,and then after they they've gotten their fill,they'll give us a taste of the good life,for a little while.
Yeah,I think they are trying to get as much money as they can out of us.These things do not happen by accident.Our economy is carefully and strategically orchestrated by the powers at be.They will make us suffer while they get fat,and then after they they've gotten their fill,they'll give us a taste of the good life,for a little while.

Actually, I would imagine that they'd do this for money even if it caused problems, the economy is very delicate and I doubt they have some big 'plan'

Really I don't see why there isn't some alternative fuel developed--a way to make new fuel that isn't as harmful (or in limited supply) but would still bring in profit. And with new fuel would be new cars which would stimulate the economy.
the other day the gas stations around here were having a gas war or something and they started lowering their prices like mad. they stopped at $2.97. there was almost chaos. i thought i saw some cats and dogs living together.
Really I don't see why there isn't some alternative fuel developed--a way to make new fuel that isn't as harmful (or in limited supply) but would still bring in profit. And with new fuel would be new cars which would stimulate the economy.

My idea is that government does not want this to happen.
The government spends billions for the war, yet how much on alternative fuels???
We have people running for presidency, and their spending millions upon millions just to get votes.
They speak of alternative fuels.
Let's see how much they put into alternative fuels when they are voted in.
Will it be more than they spend on their campaign?

Our fuel prices are still cheaper than most places around the globe.
Doesn't make it right.

Oh and $3.49 here.

Got to get to work, so have to buy gas.
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Personally I think the oil lobby has a strnaglehold on Washington in the same way that many other lobbyists do. I don't think it is a conspiracy or that the rich want to get richer while the poor get poorer, I think its that out politicians (for the most part, there are probably a few who don't fit this) genuinely want to do what they feel is best for America and the American people. But they have to be elected to do that. Our system IMO has spun into this place where you need money to get elected and to get money you have to bow to the wishes of big lobbyists. So while I believe many politicians want to get alternative fuels, they also want to be re-elected because they want to help our country, and no one is willing to take the risk of losing their congressional seat to step on the toes of the oil companies. Of course we all know that Republicans tend to side with oil, but that doesn't make them bad people.
What the current administration does today we will not see the affects until tomorrow.

I blame the oil companies not the government.
What the current administration does today we will not see the affects until tomorrow.

I blame the oil companies not the government.

imo, the government should regulate the price of anything that is a necessity. i thought price gouging is illegal. :confused: and we sure is gettin' gouged, fo sho.
Price gouging is charging above fair market price and I think with cureent oil prices we're getting that. Also government regulation of gas would probably mean rationing. Although I could be wrong on both counts, its been a while since my last economics class.
Price gouging is charging above fair market price and I think with cureent oil prices we're getting that.

i don't think in any way what we are paying for gas is 'fair' market value. we are too dependent on overseas oil and that should stop immediately, if we don't plan on paying $5 a gallon by the end of the summer. we need to open more refineries in the u.s. and start tapping those reserves to lower prices.
gas is only $2.97 around here. anybody want me to mail them some?

I just paid $3.89 yesterday for my gas so......I'll take some please....I fully expect to be paying around $5.00 a gallon by September.
I just paid $3.20 yesterday so not as bad as some places and not as "good" as others. Gas prices are a joke period. Oil companies claim they are not ripping people off, yet they report record profite just about every quarter now. :rolleyes:
This will right itself, its just part of a cycle. The US will be going into a recession, which slows our economy. We, in turn buy less of manufactured goods which impacts the countries that provide that manufacturing which causes their economies to slow.
This also has an effect on oil consumption. As the manufacturing decreases and the economies decrease, less product is shipped, consumption decreases, supply levels rise as demand decreases and prices decrease.
Unless we believe that the enormous amount of money Americans spend on goods is irrelevant, this same thing will go around the globe like a wave.
Don't the oil companies set their prices based on future speculation? :confused: It's something like the whole Enron thing, in which speculators take a look at the world events, then make predictions on how these events might affect the cost of oil. Prices are then set accordingly.

The trouble being, I believe, that often these speculations prove to be exaggerated, whether intentionally or not. The bottom line oil prices aren't, for example, as affected by some new news out of Iran as speculators thought they would be. As a result, these inflated prices prove to be erroneous, the result of which is "unintended" profits for the oil companies who made these inaccurate predictions.

In addition, we're looking at a dollar with a rapidly-dwindling value, which means that A) the cost of oil looks more expensive to us because our economy stinks, and B) the "profits" that the oil companies are making don't amount to as much as you'd think, because a billion dollars isn't what it was last year. :rolleyes:

I may be off on this, even to a great degree. If so, someone in the know would be doing me a favor be explaining it to me better. :eek: