Don't Forget the Tip!

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Tipping always makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable. How much are you supposed to tip? Do the same rules apply for cab drivers? Hair stylists? Movers? I probably often tip much more than I need to just because I don't want the person who did an okay job to feel they did a terrible job.

I wish people working in service would just get bade a regular wage. If they suck, then they lose their job, just like workers in every other industry.
I tip for what I think they deserve, I don't care what they are supposed to get. It also depends on the type of resturant too. Some just seat you and never come back, some are there constantly.

As for the gratuity, I wouldn't care if it was added on or not, if the person sucked at their job, then they shouldn't be rewarded for it. I've had waiters that were downright rude to me. Since I can't slap them silly, they don't get a tip. :lol

The resturant calling the cops was silly. I guess they like negative publicity.
As for the gratuity, I wouldn't care if it was added on or not, if the person sucked at their job, then they shouldn't be rewarded for it. I've had waiters that were downright rude to me. Since I can't slap them silly, they don't get a tip. :lo
The resturant calling the cops was silly. I guess they like negative publicity.

:lecture :lecture Why reward them for sucking at their job??? Does anyone else get an annual bonus for not meeting their requirements???

~~That restaurant will lose a LOT of business for this going public. Hopefully they'll go out of business for it.
:lecture :lecture Why reward them for sucking at their job??? Does anyone else get an annual bonus for not meeting their requirements???

~~That restaurant will lose a LOT of business for this going public. Hopefully they'll go out of business for it.

At my job if I suck at it, I'll get written up or suspended for a few days without pay or even fired. So far I've been a good girl. :D

No bonuses for me other than a pat on back. eh..
It pisses me off because I work in carpet and every now and again when you lay carpet for someone they tip you. Now I bust my ass working 12 hr days and waitresses just serve you food that they don't even make and a big deal like this if they don't get tipped? It's a joke. Now granted I make alot more than waitresses but the point is that a tip is a tip. And it is not expected and I don't go around raising a fit when I don't get one knowing I just did more work and harder work than serving food. :mad:
hopefully the bar goes out of business from bad publicity and that'll show them their $16 worth of service.
It pisses me off because I work in carpet and every now and again when you lay carpet for someone they tip you. Now I bust my ass working 12 hr days and waitresses just serve you food that they don't even make and a big deal like this if they don't get tipped? It's a joke. Now granted I make alot more than waitresses but the point is that a tip is a tip. And it is not expected and I don't go around raising a fit when I don't get one knowing I just did more work and harder work than serving food. :mad:
Let me re-phrase that. I am not putting down waitresses at all. I understand that job is very demanding and stressful. My point only was that people do work harder and don't complain when things don't go there way.
I tip the standard 15%, but if I go higher or lower I will write why on the receipt/bill.

Then leave someone's phone number I don't like, if they have any complaints. :angelsmil
Main Entry: gra·tu·ity <INPUT class=au title="Listen to the pronunciation of gratuity" onclick="return au('gratui02', 'gratuity');" type=button>
Pronunciation: \grə-ˈtü-ə-tē, -ˈtyü-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural gra·tu·ities
Date: 1540
<!--INFOLINKS_ON-->: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service; especially : tip<!--INFOLINKS_OFF-->

If a sevice charge is added to the bill, it most certainly is NOT a gratuity. I always ask if the "gratuity" is added to the bill. If so, I tell the host/hostess that I will not stay for dinner if it is added to the bill because then it is not a "gratuity". And I am a VERY generous tipper but I refuse to tip lousy service.

At the same time, though, I can make allowances for an exceptionally busy waiter/waitress.

But further, the work that they do, to me, is not worth like 100.00 an hour. So if they are serving 5 tables...there is absolutely zero need for the tips from those tables to average more than say 10.00 per the most. I think 50.00 an hour plus their wage is plenty for the work. I just don't mind 'fessin' up a lion's share of that if they treat my family well because I do have three of the most demonic children on Earth.
Nothing pisses me off more than places that include it in the bill, especially when the service is ????e
What is your IRS's view of these tipping practises? Will they add 15% to a waiters income as a matter of course, because it's an obligatory voluntary custom?

In these economic time, can a patron be expected to procure a tip? Where and when did this tipping start? I mean as in, is it a tradition that is long overdue to be relegated to the nolstalgia heap as something they did in the old days, and is no longer relevant to the times? Is waiting such a fly by night job that employers wont risk paying a decent wage. Maybe if they did they'd get more applications and pick a better staff and advertise NO TIPPING REQUIRED to bring in the customers. I think, as the gap of affluence widens, the IRS ought to enforce minimum wages so they get their appropriate share. Do away with the practice of tipping, as far as it being expected.

I find hidden fees, and even open charges such as corkage and the like, are deceptive yet legal thievery, whether it be government or business. The world sucks. Money is the root of evil and corruption is the trunk. It's a rat race and at $50 an hour where do I apply?

Oh, I sort of went overboard. Ah, yeah. Nurse. NURSE!!!
I agree with you Creecher. My restaurant used to charge a "Split Plate" for people that would come in and order ONE entree and split it. I understand the reasoning for it, but it was always hard to explain it to the customers.