My thoughts, newer collectors don't want to step up to the plate and pay the big bucks for something nice, so they bash it... and wait for a cheaper version, not saying that this is you but it's the majority.
I feel the exact same way of this statement but the opposite, you can't say it will rock the PF until you actually see the Comiquettes come out, I have both PF and Coms so I'm not a Com hater I actually have all or most of the future Coms on Pre-Order because they do IN FACT look good. The edge might be out there for Spidey but I believe Hulk and Doom will be very hard to beat in the Com style. I actually like the cloth and the sitting position and the expression of Doom face, it's menacing and cruel looking, if they can make it that dominating in a stand up position then I'm all in for the Doom Com. As for Hulk, I need the size, mass and weight to be the same or greater in order to beat the PF and as the way Sideshow is going with hollow statues, I think the chances of this are slim, hence Hulk PF is gonna be another hard piece to top.