DOT to ban phones in cars

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Oct 11, 2005
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Pensacola, Florida
I searched for this, but everything that came up is long dead. The DOT is considering using technology in cars that would disable phones--no more texting and no more talking while people are driving. Apparently they don't believe putting laws in effect are enough as people are still texting/talking while driving. I've seen several police officers driving while on the phone so I'm not sure how I'd feel about getting a ticket for doing it. What do you guys think?? Too much?? Totally agree?? Too busy texting while driving to read the article??

~~To put my input on this subject I totally agree that they need to do something to stop people from texting on their phones while driving. Some people have a hard enough time driving without a distraction. I have hands free in my car so I try to be good, but if they make it required to have such devices installed in my car it would be fine with me.
Pass a law making it aggravated assault if a person injures another person while on the phone while driving, and make it homicide by negligence if they kill someone. They don't have the right to pass law with the purpose of preventing harm. That's just insane, and there is no end in sight to what they could get away with if the precedent is set.

Enough of this gestapo bull____.
The absolute simple truth is that the Federal Government does not really have the authority to do this. But they usurp authority that is not theirs 100 time a day and will continue to do so until the voters make a stand.
My phone reads me my texts while I'm driving and I can reply by voice, hands free. I haven't been able to find anything saying how these laws will affect me, if at all.
My phone reads me my texts while I'm driving and I can reply by voice, hands free. I haven't been able to find anything saying how these laws will affect me, if at all.

It seems to me that the technology will disable the phone your hands-free features will not even work.
It seems to me that the technology will disable the phone your hands-free features will not even work.

yeah it's like the software in the Navigation systems. If you're moving over a certain speed the controls are disabled, however if the vehicle is stopped everything works.
This is really a public safety issue, IMO. And I support taking away the phone in cars. Laws often exist because people just won't do the right or reasonable thing without being forced to, and clearly, the existing law is not stopping people from doing this. If folks were just driving into ditches and killing themselves while texting, then I would say let them have it. But they are endangering others on the road, as well. To me, the distraction caused by texting and talking on cell phones is, in many instances, akin to driving while intoxicated.

I figure we should all have the right to drive to the grocery store without having some 16 year old brat slam into you and potentially injure or kill you because they can't stop texting for 5 minutes.

Ultimately, I think we have to consider that laws exist to prevent texting, and people ignore that law because there is no real enforcement to deter them. Given that, if the law was created and legitimately exists in order to stop that behavior, then the government should do what it must to stop this behavior. Otherwise, why have that law in place at all?

I don't think that people have a right to talk on their cell phones in the car, and if this is a systematic problem creating a public health hazard--as appears to be the case--then the gov'mnt has the duty to do something about it.

My two cents :peace

--edit: of course, the cell phone lobby will never allow it :D --
I don't think that people have a right to talk on their cell phones in the car, and if this is a systematic problem creating a public health hazard--as appears to be the case--then the gov'mnt has the duty to do something about it.

My two cents :peace

--edit: of course, the cell phone lobby will never allow it :D --

I agree with this. Driving alone is a privilege, not a right. I shouldn't have to be afraid of having someone crashing into me while I'm driving to the grocery store. I've seen so many people reading their texts while driving, that I don't think people care about whatever laws are already in place.
It'll never happen. There are passengers in the car who use cell phones all the time and to put in technology that emits a frequency that stop you from using it or whatever they want to try will never fly. Nothing they can put into a car will work because there are always hang ups for people who aren't the driver.
It really does not make any difference if talking on a cell phone is a right or a priveledge. And make no mistake that whether some people like it ot not...talking on the phone in a well as a million other trivial day-to-day activities that are regulated by the federal a right.

Harming another in the process of exercizing your rights is a separate issue. And the federal government does not have the authority to regulate either. It is a local issue and should be handled by local governments. And those boundaries are clearly defined in the constitution. That is one of the things that is great about the U.S. We have the authority to build our communities to the standards that we want to live in without having to leave the nation, or even the county, to find what we want.

Lazy-assed voters need to stop turning over all of our rights to the Feds and keep the regulating of rights where it belongs... at the local level.
The reason I carry a phone to begin with if for emergencies, especially with my Mother. If my phone is diabled, how is she going to get ahold of me if she needs me? Especially on long trips. They should just ban talking and texting on phones while driving. It's already illegal in some parts. I have no problem with having to park the car to use it, but how am I supposed to get the call to begin with if it's diabled?
Bloody phones. What did youse do before mobiles? Wait until you arrived at your destination. No need to have it on in the car. Nothing is that important that it can't wait. If you're on a long trip, then pull over and check. Bloody mobiles. They're a health hazard all round.
It seems to me that the technology will disable the phone your hands-free features will not even work.

This law isn't sensible as it stops passengers from speaking on their phones as well. I imagine this banning would be applied to taxi drivers as well? Bus drivers too? And, their passengers?

This will never pass.
they are going at this the wrong way. they just need to change the driving age. i'd say about 20 years old for men and 35 for women. do this and watch annual accidents plummet.
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Bloody phones. What did youse do before mobiles? Wait until you arrived at your destination. No need to have it on in the car. Nothing is that important that it can't wait. If you're on a long trip, then pull over and check. Bloody mobiles. They're a health hazard all round.

Bloody computers. What did youse do before computers? Wait weeks for your porn to arrive by mail.
Well if they do decide to do this then expect to see random cars pulled to the side of the road EVERYWHERE!!!! People will be pulling over on the hiways and interstates . Some people use there phone for work so i dont see this being a good thing . I hope it doesn't happen !!! Bad enough i sit in I93 traffic into Boston every day , I'm not in the mood for CLUSTER F*#@S everywhere:moon:pow:nono:nono:nono
They need to build cars that won't start if the driver is drunk before they do something stupid like this. Cell phones can be needed in emergencies in a car, but I can't think of an emergency that would require a drunk.