I do think that drunk driving laws should be repealed. And I think that accidents caused by drunk driving should be classed as felony aggravated assault, and first degree murder in the case of a death. I'm pretty sure that would curb a hell of a lot more than the extortion racket that goes on now.
The conclusion I'm trying to imply with what I've been saying is that the proper purpose of law is not to prevent crime. It can't do that, even in a total state, where no action is legal without government permission.
The purpose is to ensure that justice is done when a crime is commited, or to stop one that is already in progress. If a driver is demonstrably inebriated, then a cop has every right to stop them. But, the idea that a cop can pull you over for a brakelight out, smell alcohol on your breath, administer a sobriety test that you pass and still arrest you, fine you thousands of dollars and revoke your license for a year or more when no one or thing has been injured by your actions is a legal institution that belongs in a police state.