Too late, order is in. Must be super stingy now

I passed on Wolverine, but this one looks too good to pass.
C'mon buddy, there must be something else you can sell!

what about your Spidey, Venom and Carnage Comiquettes
Can't wait for this, I hope there isn't any more delays
Same here Rodri but after the Iron Man MKVII LSF got put back another month I'm just waiting to hear something similar for Doom
Andy that is a great post and the details look like they are there on this one.
Makes you wonder why wolvie didn't have the extra two heads lol
Thanks Ant

yea, so much awesomeness in this Doom you know, I fell in love with this statue since the first day I saw it at Comic Con a few years back and have always said that it was one of the finest statues I have ever seen period
good posting in regards to the Wolvie comparison Ant...its the only thing where I can fault the Wolvie LSF and that's value for money. As some have already expressed in the opinion, and rightly so, that the Wolvie LSF is totally overpriced when you compare it to your Iron Man and Doom LSFs for the reason that the with those others, your getting added features for the same the case of the Iron Man MKVII LSF, not only do you get the light up features but you also get removeable ammo packs on the suit...a nice touch. For the Doom LSF, your getting the two alternate masks and fingers, for the Darth Maul you have the light up Saber...and so on and so on. So that's where I feel a little let down by Sideshow as early on in the Wolvie LSF WIP pics there were intitial talks and pics of not one but two alternate heads?! So why were they scrapped?

Still, the price was set at $2K and nothing was gonna change that. I wanted it in my collection so paid the asking price. I don't regret it as the statue speaks for itself and it screams EPICNESS plus is the definitive Wolvie statue ever made to date imo
I'd love to buy this. Came close even but you have to draw the line somewhere. There's just too much out there to say yes to everything. Although I'd love to have this in my collection
Hey James, I reckon that there's a small space in that corner of your living room next to the TV where a certain Doom LSF would fit nicely!