lol that is the way of the builder, to have a few projects sitting around that you either lost steam on or had to put aside because of life and never got back to them. I cant tell you how many ideas and half finished projects I have, doing commission works though has really trained me to finish things though, bc you have to, andc I find its the little details you can get hung up on, your often your own worst critic and if you can just compromise with yourself and move on with the project you tend to get a lot more done. Case in point the sontoran is not 100% screen accurate and I am ok with that, its close enough to make me happy and Ill have a figure of my favorite Doctor who bad guy, which they kinda are and aren't bad guys, considering the doctor worked with one towards the end. Anywho, time for some more modest updates, got my predator 1 greaves in and I like them the best, still waiting on the forearm guards(coming from Malaysia) once I get those in I can start painting the outfit!