Before we ass thump it to death, lets give it a chance first. Lets wait for a little bit more than 2:36 mins/secs of trailer runtime, before we give it a good judgement call. Remember, trailers have a way of making a film look better than it could be. Of course the flip side being, trailers don't always represent the material at its best. While it may come off hokey at first glance, it's not until you see how the story unfolds, how it's written, and how rich the characters are from viewing in its entirety, or at the very least, hearing the reviews pour in a positive manner... you realize that all the aforementioned thoughts of said film were premature. Generally speaking of course. Not to say this is going to be a classic, a crapfest, or in between. Who knows, this may actually be good or it could be just another film on the same level of Mummy 3, but with a vampire.
I am reserving judgement until the reviews pour in.