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So the gates require a dupe of the same Dokkan level, which is why reverse Dokkaning is useful -- it can bring a TUR back to a UR so that the gates all revert, too, meaning that instead of requiring a TUR dupe to unlock, the gates now require a UR dupe instead (which saves a lot of grinding). Is that correct so far?

In that case, if I don't want to stock up on Hourglasses, should I just hold off on Dokkaning any UR's that I want to rainbow until I've acquired four UR dupes and unlocked all the gates?

Do the rest of the skill tree nodes remain the same whether the UR is Dokkaned into a TUR or not? In other words, does an Attack Boost node provide a larger stat increase on the TUR's skill tree, or is it worth the same amount as it was when the card was a UR? Are gates the only things that change on the skill tree after Dokkaning a UR card?

Lastly, you guys have probably seen this already, but... :rock


Any cool pulls lately?
Correct to 1 and 2. To your 3rd point, the boosts will always stay the same and will remain through dokkaning.

I've decided I'm not pulling until at least phy Super Vegito. That gives my wallet a couple months to recover lol. Will be going ham on the Vegito Blue/ Rose 2.0 banners which will likely be the third year anniversary in July, which means loads of free stones and sales lol. May pull for LR Gohan of course though lol.

I'm being more conservative with spending on this game this year since for the most part I can beat any event with any team at this point. The fusion team is still completely broken op, so until VB/Rose I really don't need any new cards.

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I did a yolo multi on the Gohan banner and pulled the new phy. Buu (Super) and str. Ultimate Gohan and I will go "all in" on LR Trunks. but other than that I am saving for the 3rd year which will probably be Teq. Vegito/Str. Rose. I think I have 9 stones right now. :lol
You seem to have a lot of success with yolo pulls, Kibishii haha

It looks like LR Trunks is incoming. :panic:
Yeah, that is some great pulls man. Not been around lately, im so determined not to pull until rose/vegito that im also playing duel links to stop temptation lol.

I wouldnt go too hard for LR Trunks, hes probably one of the weaker LRs in honesty. His crit passive barely ever goes off and he lacks ki links so getting an 18 ki super without Whirus is nigh near impossible :p

I've said before, but LR Gohan will be the only LR I will ever chase, even if the newer ones are "featured" (not really since they have so many featured cards they are just as hard to pull)
Damn it Akatsuki, the new banner global exclusive ssj2 vegeta is confirmed as the HARDEST hitting TUR in the game with his boost and counter mechanic, im going to have to go for him now, on a ssj4 Goku team he will be amazing, especially with the counter mechanic! Hes like a better ssj4 Vegeta with phy VBs passive lol -_-

According to Reddit, under a 170% lead he will hit harder than LR freaking Gohan would on his own hybrid saiyan team, wtf?
Sigh...I went the William Wu route and have just under 1k stones that I was planning on dumping towards LR Trunks. That new str. rage Vegeta might have to take the stones since my mono-str team is my primary. Decisions decisions.
After reading about how much Vegeta get shafted in Dokkan, it's cool that this new card seems to gives him more justice.

Did you guys get a "limit reached" warning when trying to purchase the two STR Vegitos in Baba's shop? I never touched the two previous ones after buying them; does Akatsuki not want us to have four in our character lists for some reason?
Yep, no harm in using 5-10 stones for some extra space. Once you start amassing SSRs trust me, you will need it lol

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Well, im happy, got one of Beerus and Vegeta. Theres LRs on that banner too fyi, seen a couple folks pull them already. I mean, its clearly a trap banner to eat up your stones before LR Trunks and int Frieza, but they are being smart by making Vegeta 1. a really good unit and 2. likely a one off banner like ssj kaioken Gokus was.
That banner is lit because I pulled the new Vegeta x2, int. Beerus. and an int. Piccolo from the multisummon; 900 stones waiting for LR Trunks.
First thing I thought when I saw the "guaranteed Vegeta or Beerus" on the first multi was, "Deano won't have to use as many stones as expected" :hi5:

I was holding my breath on that pull, since I knew I was only going to spend stones on one summon. So glad I got Vegeta (even though Beerus is cool, too).
In terms of farming the STR Vegeta's SA, is it best to awaken him to a UR and then throw awakened versions of the new AGL Vegeta at him (basically get them both to "Vegeta and Bulma")?
Yep, that's the only farmable way iirc, and even at that it's only a 50% chance after all that work, very tedious.

There aren't that many ssj2 Vegetas in the game, and all of them are summon only.

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The more I think about it, if I manage to pull LR Trunks and still have stones left, I might roll for more of the new str. Vegeta to open more paths. If I buff him up enough, I will have him replace either my rainbow Gogeta or GT Trunks (3 dupes) on my mono-str team (my primary event team).

What do you guys think?

I am just going to use Kais to increase his SA. After grinding Janemba and Omega Shenron to SA10, I can't do another SA grind for just a 50% chance.
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