Let me get some grievances out the way. I do have some issues with the figures, not with the quality itself, but what I believe are missed opportunities. First, it's the articulation. I wish we could have a better bend at the elbows and double-jointed knees. I had a plethora of poses I had in mind with these figures, but the range of bend in some of the joints makes some posing far more limited. Also, I wish they came with a couple more hands, like a flat palm. Lastly, though it's pretty much nitpicking, I wish the eyes had that PERS system some Hot Toys got, but there's no way to get that without a significant price increase.
All of that said, I absolutely LOVE these figures. These are the best, most detailed, most accessorized Turtles figures on the market. If you're a fan of anything Turtles, and have the money to spend, get these figures. Period. What's also astounding is that in a short amount of time, they will have the most amount of collectible figures released on the market, surpassing Mondo, Revoltech, and Figurearts (and catching up with NECA). What's really astounding is how closely the final product looks like to the promo pics. This isn't like most products, what you see IS what you get.
I know there are those who rather want a specific version Turtles. That's understandable and to each their own. But for those who embrace the entire mythos, from Mirage to Nick, these are the figures for you, and it doesn't get better than this.