Yup, there have been a lot of positive things said about the game.
Negative too of coarse, but what popular (

) game doesn't? Most seem to be pissy about the graphics being a touch dated or the game not being exactly like Call of Duty (yeah.. really).
Also, there is gameplay footage. 2K released a video and there is tons of "shaky cam" (unfortunately) footage from the game expos. The Jace Hall Show video I posted above also has gameplay.
Game looks ____ing awesome. Graphically it may be behind, but a lot of details have gone into other areas like the action, interactivity, and humor. There's more diversity in the first 1-2 hours than
most FPS games these days.
platforming, driving, puzzle-solving and a lot of environmental interaction. [and shooting of coarse. durr]
If you enjoyed Duke Nukem 3D, or are looking for a FPS which is fun, has diverse gameplay and doesn't take itself too seriously, you should give it a try.
It's basically Duke Nukem 3D on steroids.
I guess this may be too much for some people.
Oh, and
more images of the Duke figure here.
NECA posted on Twitter:
a 2nd Duke Nukem figure with new aggressive headsculpt & different weapon is under consideration for the Fall.