None of it's exclusives ever interested me.
None of it's exclusives ever interested me.
I didn't turn this into a pissing contest, I don't care if others want it... that's their prerogative. I'm just speaking from my personal experience. Don't be so defensive.
You give them $29 they give you a digital copy.
$60 for physical copy.
You're essentially just pre-ordering a game.
It's actually FAR more generous than what the other companies do. They would never sell a digital copy for $29. I can't believe they're pricing it so low for a kickstarter.
The only thing that would tempt me to get an xbone would be tomb raider, even then it'll prob be available for PS4 down the line.
Yup, seems like a lot of people don't understand what Kickstarter is, it's actually a genius idea as long as it's being used correctly. The whole point is that no producers wanted to invest millions to the developers to make a Shenmue sequel, that's why that game was never made. It's like asking for a loan in the bank to start your own business, except their expectation is like way, way higher.. the developers are essentially asking the producers to believe in their dreams and give them 2 million dollars, that never happened.
The fact is that, if every buyer put their pre-order money in advance then the developers would have a few million dollars to fund their own game, without that money in advance the developers won't have fund until after the game sells, but you can't sell something if you don't have funding to make it in the first place... so Kickstarter is simply a platform for that to happen, it bypass that vicious cycle and kick starts successful project that would have never happened.
I'll never understand the allure to Xbox.
For movies it's totally different.
Halo and gears man!!! Lol I'm a big halo fan so that's the only reason I got the box.
I'll never understand the allure to Xbox.
There are much better exclusives on PS compared to Xbone. Gears and Halo? Meh...
Being a card carrying member of the illustrious PC Gaming Master Race, I'll gladly make any comparisons. Aside from exclusives, many multiplatform games run on lower resolutions on Xbone. If there's one piece of hardware that's holding back development this generation (for both PS4 and PC), it's the Xbone.
Shots fired.