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Sony's was OK, better than Microsoft's, but both basically had nothing new to offer. At least Sony did not go on about move and 3D as much as Microsoft went on about Kinect. Sony was also a tiny bit more game orientated
I'd give Sony and Microsoft both a D-

I would give Sony a C-.

Last major stream is Konami. But there are other confrences, just don't know if they'll be streamed? G4 and Gamespot will have special guests to show off their games, just need to look at their schedules.
I think EA has the best show this year, but out of the big 3 Sony had the most solid games lineup, but I can't leave out Nintendo for the 3DS--really awesome.

Only problem with Microsoft was the lack of new games.

Also want to point out--Sony had the best speakers out of the whole thing, the speakers in all the other shows were very awkward, Microsoft especially. But the Sony people really seemed to be comfortable in speaking to an audience.