EA Sports MMA game

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Super Freak
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Ah yes,i am looking forward to this game!

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will probably look the same as Fight Night,if it`s one thing EA Sports can,it`s realism.
Randy is in the game and thats only because Randy signed with EA while he was going through disputes with Dana/UFC. Only reason Dana is allowing Randy to go ahead with it is because he doesnt want to bring up any more problems with Randy while hes attached to the UFC, plus he knows if Randy leaves rival orginazation will easily pick him up and thats not what Dana wants.

Any other fighter affiliated with EA will never be invited back or under contract to the UFC by his words. As for Kimbo being in it...never. Hes on the Ultimate fighter now and fighting in there finale which means UFC all ready has him under contract. Win or lose, Dana is not going to let Kimbo go until he can get every last drop of money from kimbo from his drawing power.

Most of the fighters from this game will be Strikeforce fighters and being that strikeforce has counter deal with Japanese organization Dream, I dont doubt we'll see some of there fighters as well since they co-promote along with whatever M1-Global can bring to the table.

Even the fact that refereee big John is in it will pretty much seals the deal that he'll never be invited back to the UFC again most likely.
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It is gonna suffer from not having the license. But anyways it'll be hard pressed to be as good as the UFC game either way...

I'll wait and see on this one.
I like the look of the game graphic wise more than Undisputed, but I'm sure that will change in typical EA fashion.

Hopefully they can do something to make it fun in between fights. Like they did with the training mini games in Fight Nights. That is something that I really thought hurt Undisputed, training got boring fast...
Heres the deal with this game, unless your a real MMA fan the casual fan only knows UFC. There not going to know many fighters from the Strikeforce roster or Dream if they actually use them or any other orginization's fighters.

The casual fan thinks UFC is MMA. So with that out of the way, I really seriously dont think there going to hurt the UFC at all. Competition is always good and lets hope this game makes some new fans and helps some casual fans realize theres more out there than just UFC. I personally think this game is going to kick a$$.

From what Ive read so far there building a different fighting engine than what the UFC has. They said they dont want a button masher style game. So heres hoping for a really deep fighting system especially on the ground.
I don't care about which fighters are in the game as long as "it just works." UFC Unleashed is a great game, and I'll probably pick it up again when its on the cheap. Hopefully MMA will be able to up the ante for future games.

this "looks" really good, but hopefully it functions as good as it looks.

either way, i'll definitely be buying UFC Undisputed 2010, but might buy this as well.
I never doubt EA Sports so i know this will be a good game,i love ufc undisputed but the stand-up play is a little stiff,doesn`t have the best flow.
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