Early Alien 3 concept art

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i wish fox wouldnt have ^^^^ed with his original idea! Its funny how he doesnt even put this film on his resume!:lol:lol

Oh im talking about the director not this guy.
yeah, i've seen that stuff before. so glad they didn't go with that idea.
a world built out of wood sounds like something a toddler would come up with.

and then he says how "unoriginal" the film looks... sour grapes.
Well, those sketches are beautiful. And I do like the idea of a cathedral floating in space, full of monks. Not sure about the all wood idea though. Thanks for the info Batty!
They had a 3 page section in empire on this a few months ago. I would of loved an alien movie in this enviroment. I wouldn't of liked it to replace alien 3 though.
There's a really good section about Alien 3 concepts in the book "Dissecting Aliens"
This film had so, so much potential but Fox totally buggered it up, if Fincher had been left alone this would have been a classic, I still prefer the assembly cut over ALIENS, but who knows, it might, just might have been as good as Scotts original.
Good old Fox... yeah, i remember watching the documentary for Alien 3 on the Quadrilogy and it was fascinating. There were some elements that I didn't think would work, but the whole wooden world would have been fascinating.

whole wooden world would - say that 5 times.
I don't think a wooden planet would "fly" IMO.
Space is just too cold, and there's no way it could withstand the pressure and radiation that come with deep space travel.
Before I saw these concept drawings I really didn't like the idea, but now I think it's brilliant. Sure it's not all that practical, but not much in Sci-Fi is.
Wasn't it a giant bare basics ship, but customized with wood?

Another interesting read BTW: 'reviews' of all the Alien 3 scripts, and boy, there is a particurarily horrible one...Cow aliens, people mutating into aliens, aliens breeding through nonorganic things like tanks and jets (NO joke), and a final monster that's basically a giant heap of human organs, aliens and building materials...

shame we didnt get to see the 4 legged alien giger wanted for alien 3 :lol:lol

Yeah, that would have been bad ass!

He mentioned that when it ran, the wind would whistle through it's tubing, causing this eerie "music" as it came at you. :horror






Looking at Giger's design again I think it's still a very sad story how ADI exploited his willingness to fax them his early sketches.
I remember them claiming that it was too complex and costly to introduce it to the movie but looking at the Sideshow A3 Maquette again, there are so many similarities, only that Giger's seems much more elegant.
I can totally understand Gig being upset by Woodruff and Gillis. :emperor