Eastbound & Down

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I know and I've heard this will be the last season. I hope that's not true because now that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is down from what it used to be imo, EB & D is really the only weekly show I watch every single week.
I was wondering if that ass was a "double" or not.
Yeah, whenever they just focus in on a body part (like the boobies last season) it's a double. Otherwise they'd pull back for a wider shot to show that the butt really belonged to her.

She's still hot thought. :D
I know and I've heard this will be the last season. I hope that's not true because now that It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is down from what it used to be imo, EB & D is really the only weekly show I watch every single week.

Sunny brought in a writing team and are following formats instead of just going with whatever they came up with like they use to. It needs that old random feel to it.

E&D better come back for a 3rd season, its so popular, I bet HBO throws a ton of cash at them to do another season like they kept doing with the Sopranos.

I'm worried about Curb tho, this really maybe the last season.
Yes and I initially was a little disappointed in episode 3, in part because episode 2 was so freakin funny but I've watched episode 3 several times this week and it keeps getting funnier and funnier.

I listened to a radio interview with Stevie yesterday and he was talking about the opening scene from Episode 2. He said that they had to reshoot that scene because of the camera catching some "pendulum swinging" from him (his words) and the room that was shot in was like 120 degrees. He said the scenes with Deep Roy (Aaron) were especially hard to do without laughing because he was so funny. He was asked if April and Cutler would make any appearances the rest of the season but he couldn't comment.

I really hope this show comes back for season 3 because the writing, acting and everything else may be the best on TV right now. That is if this type of humor is your thing and if definately is for me.
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Definitely for me as well... its completely over-the-top, but still manages to be funny and fresh.

I honestly would have been fine if the series had ended after the first 6 shows as I thought it was a fitting ending. But I love that its continuing and will take as much as I can get :rock
I love the song at the end of episode 9 so after some research I finally found it if anyone else is interested.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="https://www.youtube.com/v/_GgkqxkZ7mk?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="https://www.youtube.com/v/_GgkqxkZ7mk?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
After episode 6 I was ok with the show ending then just because I felt like there was nowhere to go with the story after he ran away but they did agreat job following up with a great season 2 storyline (so far) and i'm glad its back and better than ever. I read today that the series is set up so it could end after this season and wrap up nicely but it also has a storyline for a third season. That's good news because I definately see HBO picking up season three after the strong start to S2. Can't wait to see episode 4!
I absolutely love this shows.

(I added a "s" to show 'cause that's what Kenny would do.)
Wow! Wofford29 nailed it, episode 10 would be dark but I didn't think it would go that dark. I was way wrong on who I thought Eduardo Sanchez would be, I knew it was his dad but I read that his dad was played by John Goodman. Still, Don Johnson should be interesting and I liked how they made his appearance a lot like Kenny's with the mullet and goat tee. 3 episodes to go and he's at another low point in his life so I can't wait to see where the next three shows take us.
Show is just kickass all around... can't wait to see the finale next week.

So has it been confirmed there will be a season 3? Seems unlikely the show will completely wrap-up next week.
Awesome! I was hoping that was the case.

And honestly I thought last night would be the final episode since the first season was only 6. So next week is like a bonus :lol
Cool, season 3 is confirmed!

Yes, the creators made S2 7 episodes because fans complained 6 episodes from S1 wasn't enough so they decided to give eveybody more - 7 episodes for S2. Hope to see April next week and even though I love this show I just about flipped out last night when freakin Matthew McConagay showed up - can't stand him!

I'll miss the cast from E2 but can't wait to see the cast from E1 again. Hopefully Cleg gets out of rehab soon!
Well, season 2 is in the books - what did you think? I was thrown a curveball with the finally which goes to show you the writers of EB & D are more than just comic writers. Man did April look better than ever or what?

Really enjoyed the episode and thought it set up well for S3 and left a lot of possibilities as to what we may see happen.
I thought it was a great ending. McBride really broke my heart there. I saw the twist coming, but still. Great ending. One of the best shows on TV. I cant wait for season 3.
All you mother ____ers out there better get ready. BECAUSE-





