Hi Guys,
Spoke to Tesh this morning and because of all the cafuffle with E-Bay/Paypal my order is going to be put back a week. I'm happy with this and again will state that I'm just not worried.
To be honest, reading through this thread again it would appear that there's only me and Hoekie actually ordered from Tesh. I therefore can't understand that absolute slagging that he has received from the majority of you.
Unless you have had dealings and been 'ripped off' how can you possibly slag the guy off. He's in the middle of an administrative and business nightmare predominantly being caused by Chicken Licken syndrome.
I think that Tesh should be cut some slack.
In fact, I'm surprised, given some of the comments, that Dave hasn't warned a couple of people.
I'm still firmly in the 'not worried' category.