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The new Y wing is a sharper and cleaner mold. Obviously different paint scheme from MR. They're hoping to keep cost around $800(fingers crossed). Stormie legend helmet may ship early next year Jan/Feb. The Stormie armor comes with no blaster and probably no mannequin.

I thought Art over at the RPF basically confirmed that the Stormtrooper will come with a mannequin for display and also that a blaster remained a possibility.
I've been waiting for the Legend Stormtrooper helmet for YEARS!! I have no faith it will be a available anytime soon :(
I thought Art over at the RPF basically confirmed that the Stormtrooper will come with a mannequin for display and also that a blaster remained a possibility.

Bryan said on friday that they were looking at options.
as always love your sigs mike, gives me something to search each month ;)

BTW, Mike like the new signature pic.


I thought Art over at the RPF basically confirmed that the Stormtrooper will come with a mannequin for display and also that a blaster remained a possibility.

That's good news. I would love to get a Clone over a Stormie (I know blasphemous) but for 2K to get a full on costume plus mannequin and a blaster (if that remains true) I don't think I could pass on it.
The mannequin will add close an extra $600 between their cost and shipping. You can easily find one for under $300 shipped. Gun laws are strict so boasters won't be coming anytime soon. That gun was just a loaner for the show. Bryan and I are friends, great guy.
For my Joker project, the only flexible mannequin I could find was a Da Vinci model and I paid close to $600 for it. I never found any flexible mannequins close to the $300 range. Besides, the thought of having one that the armor would perfectly fit on with no hassles is an ideal scenario for me so I hope eFx goes with the mannequin option even if it adds more $$$. As for the blaster, it would be cool if you could get that from eFx as well, but I could always find someone on the RPF to do a custom one if necessary.
A mannequin under $300 is one thing, but if you don't want a generic stance and want it to be able to hold a weapon, the extra modification will cost you a lot of time or money to get them made.
Even a prop gun would be near impossible to get shipped into Australia, so they may have to look at not including for internationals
I doubt anyone would waste their time knowing efX is just going to dance around the question. I clearly remember them saying they would release a smaller base for those that though Vader's was too large.

This was not only for the Vader helmet.

Even a prop gun would be near impossible to get shipped into Australia, so they may have to look at not including for internationals

The blaster eFX showed with their Stormtrooper from the pics seems to be a Hyperfirm rubber cast
For me it would be a bit too late anyway. My eFX ANH Vader helmet fits very well inside its glass door cabinet, and for my other helmets I have very cool black with Imperial logo custom stands
This was not only for the Vader helmet.

The blaster eFX showed with their Stormtrooper from the pics seems to be a Hyperfirm rubber cast

That will not matter to Australian customs, looks like 1:1 gun (even fatasy) it will be not allowed. I don't think even wholesalers can bring them in
Going to be very disappointed if the mannequin isn't offered as a display option.
Gino held a Q&A earlier today at Rebelscum and said they are currently looking into options regarding including a mennequin with the armor - but no decision has been made yet.

He also confirmed the Fett Legend helmet will have electronics.
Hey is anyone from here going to New York Comic Con next week?
If they are make sure you stop by the efx booth and say hi!

Also anyone who comes by the booth is welcome to examine up close, handle, and discuss at length items such as the efx legend stormtrooper armor/helmet, the legend hero fiberglass helmet, and also the legend esb fett helmet.

Here's a link to my FB page talking about it and also a new pic of the trooper armor.


Hope to see you there!

We're definatley ready for some updates Gino!

...and pictures!