The Rogster
Super Freak
I'm scared to say how many hours I have on Oblivion, it's still shocking tome! The world is so huge, There is so many things you can do, I can't wait for skyrim.
Dragons are 'Very Cool' in Skyrim
But they won't be your friends.
October 19, 2011
by Andrew Goldfarb
Fighting dragons is among the most anticipated new elements in Skyrim, but don't expect the battles to be simple. Pete Hines, Bethesda's vice president of PR and Marketing, says dragon battles will be huge, and shouldn't be underestimated.
"Dragons have been talked about all throughout the Elder Scrolls games but they've never actually been in any of them, so this is the first time you get to see and fight dragons," he said in an interview with Gamespot.
"Dragons are very cool. They're meant to be like epic boss battles. The idea is that they require a lot of effort and resources on your part to try and defeat. The big benefit for defeating a dragon is that you get to absorb its soul."
Bethesda's Todd Howard talks about Skyrim's dragons.
But don't expect to make friends with the dragons. According to Hines, that's the opposite of what these encounters will have to offer.
"Let me just say in general, dragons are evil. Their return is a very bad thing," he said. "Might there be exceptions and nuances to that? Possibly. I wouldn't want to say anything beyond that. But this is not a game where it's like, 'no, dragons are our friends and we just have to learn to get along.' This is not How To Train Your Dragon. This is how to kill a bunch of very mean things that have come to kill and hurt people."
I scheduled one of my vacation weeks around the release date.
I'll probably spend the first day just creating my character.
No kidding. This is one game I will also buy the guide for. It came in handy in Oblivion. I love learning about the spells and weapons and different items.
I'm the opposite, I like finding out all the stuff on my own. In Oblivion. Never was much of a spell guy though, actually I don't think I touched spells once in Oblivion.
Some people are. I don't like to have to figure out what to mix with what and I like to read the opinions on character creating.
That said I would never use a guide to tell me what to do when dungeon crawling. That most certainly is best figuring out on your own.
No spell creation option this time around in Skyrim.
Yup, I love dungeon crawling in these games, also hours of just wandering around checking stuff out.
Well that sucks. It took me forever (even with the guide) to figure that out.
Agreed! As wofford said. He spent almost 100 just checking things out. I can remember turning the game off and my mind still being in that world. That is amazing when a game can do that. In fact Oblivion is the only game that ever made that happen for me. I was hoping the Fallout games would bring that out for me again but they just don't compare in my opinion.
Yup, Fallout 3 was awesome, but It didn't leave you with that feeling. On the other hand, New Vegas was horrible and made me want to get off the game![]()
Fallout Vegas with all the patches and DLC is very good IMO.
Same here, It just seemed emptyYeah I made it 4 hours into New Vegas and had seen enough. It just didn't interest me.
Fallout Vegas with all the patches and DLC is very good IMO.
I'd rather play New Vegas over Fallout 3 and I'd rather play either of them over Oblivion. I am a Fallout fanatic, and Oblivion was just great to me, I never finished it, and could never get me fully into it.
But since playing Fallout 3 and NV coupled with the new graphic engine and dragons I'm pumped for Skyrim.
It's funny I was just talking about this with my best friend earlier.
Oblivion and Fallout 3 are basically the same game but I love the world of Oblivion, it's enchanting and gorgeous and you want to explore.
Whereas Fallout is....'repulsive'?
It's barren and in a way it's logical since the whole setting is post nuclear but it doesn't draw you in like Oblivion.
It's funny I was just talking about this with my best friend earlier.
Oblivion and Fallout 3 are basically the same game but I love the world of Oblivion, it's enchanting and gorgeous and you want to explore.
Whereas Fallout is....'repulsive'?
It's barren and in a way it's logical since the whole setting is post nuclear but it doesn't draw you in like Oblivion.