Super Freak
I admit, that last one had me rolling. The quote, the NPC reaction... excellent.
That D@#$ dog is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!! I'm tired of getting poked in the a#$ and knocked over cliffs!! Can't they fix him in a patch?
Why don't you tell him to leave?
I know but he fights well and draws attention away from me and can't be killed. I'm getting close to giving him his walking papers! LOL!!
When I became than of white run picked up lydia and have ran with her so far. You have any problems killing the dragons?
Nope. Depending on their ability (fire or ice) I use the opposite to make them land. And then I have an ebony Mace that does 80 damage, so a few power swings and their done.
Opposite? I didn't relize that! Where did you get a 80 damage weapon? Never mind if it will ruin it for me.
I cant see where I have my total hours played so far. Im on the PS3, anyone know where I can see?
Im interested yet frightened at the same time.