Yea, I've thought about that. Have you tried using HOTAS in BF4? I am wondering if I will also be able to take advantage of it there. Since I play BF4 a lot.
Anybody still playing this? I ended up buying the Horizons expansion after the adjusted the price. It's a strange game, I like it a lot! But often stop playing for no real reason for several months at a time ,but every time I go back I get a big grin on my face and remember just how good it is...
Sounds interesting. If I were to get back, though, I'd like to try and use stick. Just don't feel like paying for a decent one. :/
Elite is a journey, my friend, not a destination.
*takes pompous hat off*
I stopped playing in Oct2015 (I think) and started again a couple of weeks ago. So a near 6 month break.
Enormous changes to the game in that time including the first stage of planetary landing.
Even bigger ones coming over the next few months as avatars/bodies/faces are added to the game and we will finally see some life!
Engineers coming very soon which should change the game up and add in some different things to do.
There was a developer live stream recently and they talked about (in vague detail) things that are in the works to make exploring a lot more interesting.
Fun to see my old posts here. I'd forgotten.
I have about $350M in assets (I think) and alternate between an Anaconda, Python, Fer Der Lance, and Asp depending on my mood.
I'm baffled by the hardcore players that can play it constantly with no break but I think I'll always be around it.
I might stop playing again in a couple of months when I'm bored again because its really season 3 and season 4 that I'm most excited about.
1) Ability to get up out of your seat and walk around inside your ship
2) Ability to walk around inside space stations
3) Planetary landing with atmosphere! (Earth-like is hardest but Mars-like and gas giants will be awesome)
Frontier Developments seem to follow a 'slow and steady wins the race' mentality. Always worth checking back in and after long breaks.
WTF, Elite?!! Cool.
IS this out and for console?
Did you seriously just hear about Elite Dangerous? It's been released for over a year on PC. No word yet on a release date for the consoles.