Emma delay notice

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Mike hasn't heard anything. I wonder how some of these shipped and now it seems the majority of them are being held up? I didn't notice or hear anything about the one's that have shipped.
Darth Loki said:
Mike hasn't heard anything. I wonder how some of these shipped and now it seems the majority of them are being held up? I didn't notice or hear anything about the one's that have shipped.

From what I understand its only a few that have actually shipped. I also haven't heard anything negative about the ones that did other than one member broke the string tie thing on his after it was out of the box.
jimmyjamesf said:
From what I understand its only a few that have actually shipped. I also haven't heard anything negative about the ones that did other than one member broke the string tie thing on his after it was out of the box.
Makes me wonder if they changed the strings to use coated/painted wire (kind of like the hair on the Luke/Yoda piece, or Elektra's sais), which would mostly eliminate that problem.
Actually I really needed Emma to be delayed...I have Star Wars C4 at the months end, plus all those exclusives....June is an easy month...and July Im going to SDCC..so I really need it...

However, I cant wait to get her...but again a much needed break...
This is actually good news.

First, I don't have the $$$ right now for Emma so the delay is great for my wallet.:lol

Second, this just shows you much Sideshow as devoted to their QC department. Kudos to SS for realizing that there was a problem and instead of sending out inferior products they decided to fix the problem before we had another travesty like the Ghost Rider Exclusive bases.
Ok, not to digress, but what happened with the Ghost Rider Exclusive bases?
hi everyone; Allison here posting for Adam...

sadly he is not locked in a room full of Emma prints for signing. You'll have to bring your prints to conventions to have Adam sign them. Sorry.

Looking forward to seeing folks at Celebrations in Los Angeles!
I think Adam mentioned he'll be going to Dragon*Con, if that's the one in Atlanta. Of course, doesn't ComicCon happen first?
The extra wait is a relief, I can use the money I saved for her for a Medicom Black costume Spidey in the mean time.