Emma Frost Hellfire Club Premium Format Figure

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Lol i can see how that'd make sense. Didn't mean it as a compliment. Those aren't that well drawn. They just look like cheap pinups is what I meant. Emma always had class even when she dressed like a ****. Lol the things I write

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon

Figured that's what you were saying. Covers are cool but don't open an issue. Someone at SS must really not give a .... about the X men.
Figured that's what you were saying. Covers are cool but don't open an issue. Someone at SS must really not give a .... about the X men.
Lol yeah that's old news. I don't think they have for years now

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
OK, I gotta say for the record...she's still not as bad as the original PF. I'd still pick this PF over the JSC one any day of the week.

No kidding. I misspoke. For the record I sold the original PF about a year ago knowing this was coming out :slap I cant win. Even though I don't like it so far their is a possibility she will still land in my collection since X Men are my specialty/main line. I might role the dice and hope XM does an Emma. They seem to understand the characters better, as well as anatomy. Either way I need a 1/4 emma in my collection
Disagree, and I hate the other Emma Frost too.

Had her face not come out so awkward it could have been a really nice PF. I loved what they did with her pants. the fabric and fit were really cool. Same for her cape. I should of kept her and got a custom face done
Had her face not come out so awkward it could have been a really nice PF. I loved what they did with her pants. the fabric and fit were really cool. Same for her cape. I should of kept her and got a custom face done

It's really about how disappointed I am about this Emma. Words really can't even describe it. I was hoping for a 10 and I probably would have bought it if they pulled off a 6, and they gave me a 2 instead.
No kidding. I misspoke. For the record I sold the original PF about a year ago knowing this was coming out :slap I cant win. Even though I don't like it so far their is a possibility she will still land in my collection since X Men are my specialty/main line. I might role the dice and hope XM does an Emma. They seem to understand the characters better, as well as anatomy. Either way I need a 1/4 emma in my collection

I'm a stickler for costumes and eras when it comes to my X-MEN statues. I LOVE the XM Mags ( I know it's not his classic costume but the sculpt just blew me away). Phoenix looks good too. She's in her 80's Byrne costume which I LOVE. I'm not as enamored with the XM Wolvie as many others seem to be. All of those lines in his shoulder pads and straps on his gloves bug me. They just aren't necessary. I recently saw the art print that goes with the XM Wolvie and there's a picture of a 90's Jim Lee Cyclops in it. So, now I'm worried that XM's X-MEN line is going to be a mash up of whatever characters from whatever era. So, who knows what we'll get from XM as far as Emma is concerned?

I honestly don't think this Emma PF looks that bad. Sure, she could look better but I don't think this piece is as much of a miss as the 1st PF or the Jean Grey PF. Either way, I hope you can find a 1/4 Emma that you like for your collection.
It's really about how disappointed I am about this Emma. Words really can't even describe it. I was hoping for a 10 and I probably would have bought it if they pulled off a 6, and they gave me a 2 instead.

as an experienced SS collector I see the paint app on her face and I am very confident a factory couldn't pull that off. so then your 2 becomes a 1. She is about a 5 for me right now. Hey, I sold my PF for this one...what am I supposed to do now. Emma is a major player in the X verse these last 10-15 years
as an experienced SS collector I see the paint app on her face and I am very confident a factory couldn't pull that off. so then your 2 becomes a 1. She is about a 5 for me right now. Hey, I sold my PF for this one...what am I supposed to do now. Emma is a major player in the X verse these last 10-15 years

I'd at least wait until we find out what the EX is for this piece before you make any decisions. If it's a COH, it may change the whole feel of this PF for the better.
I'm a stickler for costumes and eras when it comes to my X-MEN statues. I LOVE the XM Mags ( I know it's not his classic costume but the sculpt just blew me away). Phoenix looks good too. She's in her 80's Byrne costume which I LOVE. I'm not as enamored with the XM Wolvie as many others seem to be. All of those lines in his shoulder pads and straps on his gloves bug me. They just aren't necessary. I recently saw the art print that goes with the XM Wolvie and there's a picture of a 90's Jim Lee Cyclops in it. So, now I'm worried that XM's X-MEN line is going to be a mash up of whatever characters from whatever era. So, who knows what we'll get from XM as far as Emma is concerned?

I honestly don't think this Emma PF looks that bad. Sure, she could look better but I don't think this piece is as much of a miss as the 1st PF or the Jean Grey PF. Either way, I hope you can find a 1/4 Emma that you like for your collection.

:goodpost: thanks bud :duff
COH wont do anything for me, because I find the body proportions unacceptably awful.
:goodpost: thanks bud :duff

No worries nem. Look, I say just go with your gut. If you think this piece will work in your collection, roll with it. I think she's kind of hot and sexy. Her hair is really the only thing that I'm not really feeling. The rest of this piece does work for me personally.
I'm surprised by all the hate. I think she looks awesome. I do hate these simple avenger and x bases though. I think she only looks disproportionate because of the angle of the photos. I only consider her to be a $325 statue though.
The boots and foot placement looks really bad to me... I would've defended this one to high heaven... But I just can't. It actually makes the Jean PF look better..

The base is horrible!
The statue looks like it was designed by a committee in two separate rooms. One artist did the portrait and upper body, and another sculptor who really likes going to strip clubs did everything below the corset.

I sort of get a feel for what the end product should've been, but what I assume is meant to be a regal and haughty face and stance simply appear bland and disinterested, which is not something you want in a statue. And then everything else is compromised by the wonky proportions. It's far from the worst by Sideshow, but I can totally get why a lot of people are a letdown, especially after the polarizing nature of the last Emma PF.

I'm not a diehard fan of the character like some in this thread, but Emma Frost lovers deserved a knockout, and a knockout this is not.
What I'm trying to say is that the stance is not strong. This does not exude confidence or arrogance. It jus looks like a dumb bimbo on a cheap base IMHO
I just went back and looked at the pics again and I'm liking her the more I see her. I'll wait to see what the EX is and hope to see some better shots of her but at this time I'm just about ready to say **** it and PO her when she goes up. I'm a HUGE Emma fan and I think she'd look good next to my Mystique PF. For me, this is a topic that will have to be continued....
I just went back and looked at the pics again and I'm liking her the more I see her. I'll wait to see what the EX is and hope to see some better shots of her but at this time I'm just about ready to say **** it and PO her when she goes up. I'm a HUGE Emma fan and I think she'd look good next to my Mystique PF. For me, this is a topic that will have to be continued....

Totally get that. At the end of the day, your collection, your rules. If you like what you see, all the power to you. I would personally avoid this thread till in-hand pics are out, but that's just me.
I want to see images from a better camera. After passing on Jean I don't want to pass on this. But if it isn't what I want then its no problem.