Super Freak
Sorry cbg... guess it wasn't meant to be.
spend your $$ somewhere else
I did want the pcs wolf ex and the pcs filmation hordak. Still thinking about some prime 1 stuff but so expensive.
Sorry cbg... guess it wasn't meant to be.
spend your $$ somewhere else
No big suprise after I beg for a replacement base since its scrape deep. I sent more pics cleary explaining and showing the lines is not a paint issue. So now they revised it and just said no replacements left. I emailed them on the second day I recived her so I really don't belive they have none left. It's not possible to have none left so soon. They don't believe I qualify for one is the truth. So then again I know ss has all the say in thier decisions no matter the customers are right or wrong. I'm upset how this really badly scrape up base is consider a paint flaw and after sending more clear pics explaining its not a paint issue. Then yes no more replacements so soon. I will send her back not worth to keep a damage statue for the higher prices now just because there's so called no replacements right on the first release of these. So in that case looks like any of you will not get replacement bases for any reason either because they have none left. I high don't believe this. They should just say I don't qualify. I would still be ok with it because I know they decide who should get one or not. We just have to suck it up as consumers. I'm sure they won't resell my base until they fix it because in person they know it won't pass the QC for someone to get it. So looks like emma is going back. No point saying anything negative about ss since they already know how people feel when things like this happen.
This is not sitting well with me CBG. We, as customers, shouldn't just suck it up and take it. We all waited for this statue. Some of us have been loyal customers, too.
If you want to call out their BS, maybe calling on the BBB might help. Or something similar to get them to replace your base.
I do agree but it's really useless we all know they are the biggest company out there now and yeah I can complain but I still have like 15 PO on now and still thinking about buying some lsf from ss. It's very frustrating and I feel not so nice now. But sadly I've been there a few times when things like this happens. Theres nothing we can do if we complain they can even the score for sure with our accounts. But anyways I do see change in the industry now with some competition coming in to stay like xm, pcs, GG, prime 1 etc... Sure they are small but they are putting out more and more that I was never expected to buy. In time they will take a small part of the market and give us all more choices. I did order a few from these companies now so a few less from ss even though I have like 5k of PO with them as well. In time things will get better as more competition puts out better products.she is a great statue. Congrats to all who got a good one. Btw you all know me. I might be able to find one at retail or a tiny bit above after the hype dies down.
You have fifteen pre-orders?!
Holy macaroni!
No big suprise after I beg for a replacement base since its scrape deep. I sent more pics cleary explaining and showing the lines is not a paint issue. So now they revised it and just said no replacements left. I emailed them on the second day I recived her so I really don't belive they have none left. It's not possible to have none left so soon. They don't believe I qualify for one is the truth. So then again I know ss has all the say in thier decisions no matter the customers are right or wrong. I'm upset how this really badly scrape up base is consider a paint flaw and after sending more clear pics explaining its not a paint issue. Then yes no more replacements so soon. I will send her back not worth to keep a damage statue for the higher prices now just because there's so called no replacements right on the first release of these. So in that case looks like any of you will not get replacement bases for any reason either because they have none left. I high don't believe this. They should just say I don't qualify. I would still be ok with it because I know they decide who should get one or not. We just have to suck it up as consumers. I'm sure they won't resell my base until they fix it because in person they know it won't pass the QC for someone to get it. So looks like emma is going back. No point saying anything negative about ss since they already know how people feel when things like this happen.
I agree the reg is worth having if you really like this piece. I didnt even try the ex head on mine
Strange how they said it was a hand painted statue so that's why the scrape lines are there. But I then emailed more pics and explain again how those deep scrapes on my base has nothing to do with hand painted. Since that email they just responded with sorry no replacements. So then ok that's fine. But if they agree finally that it's a real Qc issue on my base and instead of just saying ok no more replacements. shouldn't they have offered me a small refund as they normally do for Qc issues on a statue of there's no more replacements? I wonder why I got no offer? Must be because they just said sorry no more replacements just to get rid of me the easiest way possible. I believe so anyways. As someone said it would be nice to have someone custom repair parts at ss. This would saved them money to fix one part instead of replacing a full statue, shipping, and chances of multiple QC replacemnets sent to buyers. It just would be so much better if they just told the truth. there's no way they are out of replacements on the first day I recieved this. I know I just don't qualiy for a replacement. If I can't get a ex I may co spider a reg way down the road. Eitherway they win. I would still end up supporting them if I buy from ss direct or from a retailer. They know it.yeah they are laughing right now. It's fine I know ss makes the rules. Just wished it was better for so many who buys so many items from them. Maybe things will get better in time.
Yep... But I hope GG makes a emma to follow up with the other x-men statues. Would love to see thier take on this. More options for everyone is best. Just a quick note to not go far off topic: Prime one is also killing it with the 1/3 batman line! I was thinking about replacing my ss batmans with the prime 1. The new 1/4 is now 1/3 as others have mention. Same goes for the new Harley's coming out by the newer statues companies on the dc threads. Check it out!
Dude, it's obvious to everyone but you that you've been red flagged by SSC's CS. That's what happens when you contact CS and complain that your cardboard shipping boxes are dinged and you want mint ones and request replacement shipping boxes. Who knows how many other ridiculous requests you have asked for? To CS, you just may be the boy who cried wolf one too many times and they are done with you. I feel for you in regards to your Emma PF. She certainly warrants a replacement IMO. However, your past antics probably rubbed peeps in CS the wrong way and they just don't want to deal with you anymore. Think about many times has CS told you to bugger off whenever you have reported a problem with a piece you've received? In a lot of cases, they aren't giving you a credit for your damaged pieces even though other members here are getting them (not to mention, plenty of peeps are getting replacements that you aren't). It's pretty clear they have copped a "take it or leave it" attitude with you. You are just going to have to figure out what you want to do about it. Personally, I'd return that Emma PF they sent you. No way I'd pay full price for a damaged statue.
C'mon dude, they have millions of customers worldwide who complain about any or everything. They would have to red-flag all of us. This guy has a legitimate complaint here cause that base is well you know. I think the problem is they can't give him what they don't have. So when they say there are no replacements bases, they are telling the truth.
Yes they were on a roll before. I don't think I have a problem with them. My last 4 or 5 had no issues 1 minor with easy replacement. So I don't believe they have an issue with me. Before I would sweat it out. But after collecting for 3 years now it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I'm not a completists anymore like I was before. I will check to see how much it will cost to fix up the base if it's too much I will return it for sure. Someone will get mine but I know they will fix it up before it goes out again. No way the base will pass Qc to ship to another collector. Someone will freak out if they get this saying its hand painted so they won't qualify for a replacement. I will find a way to get this again. Not too worried about that. Just was a unpleasant transaction after they've been on a roll with PO until this one.
If you are going to keep the piece, you should at the very least demand a credit. Why incur the entire cost of fixing the statue yourself? It's obviously defective. Anyone can see that. You shouldn't be stuck paying full retail on a defective statue AND have to pay someone out of your own pocket to fix it.