True but you'd have to appreciate ones perseverance though!
Yeah if they can get that last NFL game in hi-def before the wave came it would be all worth it.
True but you'd have to appreciate ones perseverance though!
Yeah if they can get that last NFL game in hi-def before the wave came it would be all worth it.
If it was a zombie uprising I would probably kill myself, but anything else I would man it out.
Suicide is just plain wrong, it shouldn't even be a resort. Life has its ups and downs but why kill yourself and miss out on the good times? They always come sooner or later.
Its beyond me how someone could just willingly do such a thing.
Now as for the end of times, you guys really think its going to be like the movie "Singing in the rain"? Nope. I would like to exit this place when it happens.
Disagree...only a tad. I'd rather kill my self if I was forever trapped in a tiny inclosed space with no water or food....or somehting like that. That ^^^^ freaks me out. (and I dont mean jail)
Yeah if they can get that last NFL game in hi-def before the wave came it would be all worth it.