Roy, if I were to give you some money out of my wallet, would that ease the pain?
Just got word that my batman and joker are in customs in new York so any day now they'll be coming! Beyond excited!
May I ask when you ordered?
Timecent off of eBay. No problems with customs whatsoever. I really recommend him he's a fast shipper and has sold like twenty jokers and sixty batmen. Are you thinking of buying them?
Edit: checking eBay now and I see that batman and joker were in and out of new York customs in one day. Great! Just a matter of time!
Ahh...I can't seem to find him on eBay. It returns no results for that username.
just got it yesterday and here is my little review:
not much. Im afraid if you bend the legs or arms too much the suit is going to rip. So his most comfortable pose is standing straight which is fine by me because I like museum style poses, but its supposed to be an posable action figure so it would have been nice to have a bit more flexibility.
design & materials:
Its quite nicely designed, but what worries me is that most of it is very fragile and uses thin materials. I thought from photos the armor was foam latex but its more like a smooth, thin, rubbery plastic. All the cowls are beautiful and the Bale head is much nicer in person than i thought. But like mentioned, the suit material seems fragile and thin. I was also hoping maybe they use more screen accurate materials, like leather boots, but the boots are a very thin rubber as well. For the cost of $420 more screen accurate materials would have been nice. The cape is probably the best cape ever massed produced but its just a little bit too short. But the fabric is really nice. The cape clips are very annoying. I do not like the magnets because any time you move the figure, the clips move. Would have been better as snap-style clips. The gauntlets are a bit of a disappointment because they are a rubbery plastic so the fins are bendy. They look great but wish they were a harder plastic. Being a more matte finish gauntlets also i know isn't screen accurate, but that doesnt bother me as much as I wish they were just a harder plastic. The belt is nice but as well all know it sits too high on the waist. All the accessories are really nicely designed. Very happy with all of those only wish maybe the mangler was a bit harder plastic. The base is better than I thought, some people thought it was cheap looking, and maybe it is, but its a simple design and I like it. I would recommend using the the base and stand for him, he most likely won't last standing without the stand.
everything is gorgeous. the Bale head and cowls are great and all the accessories are nicely painted. High grade for painting. Great Job EB!!!
Really cool box design. But since its like a styrofoam just be careful not to damage it because styrofoam is fragile.
Price & Value:
Personally I don't think this is worth $420+. I think as a statue it would have been, but its just feels very fragile and not much articulation, and I think Sideshow statues that are $379-$399 are made much better and are worth their price. I think this should be lower price than the SSC statues, like in the 300-350 range I would have felt better about the cost.
I would give him an 7.9/10. There are some nice aspects about it, mainly the cowls, but overall it has some issues. Im hoping HTs 1/4 TDKR doesn't feel quite so fragile and has more articulation, and the use of stronger materials would be my biggest hope. I really wish this EB figure was a statue instead so he would be more solid and not so fragile. Personally have no desire to get other 1/4 scale action figures, I like 1/6 much much better for action figures. Its just a bit wonky having an action figure this big. I'm passing on the EB Joker, I'll just wait and see if HTs make the Joker. Ill be getting the 1/4 TDKR Batman of course, but that's all I really care to get at 1/4 scale. If they make other 1/4 from Nolan's Batman it will be hard to pass up just because I like getting all of the Nolan collectibles, but I kind of hope they just make Batman and that will be it as 1/4
No I didnt. Personally I'm ok with EB's clip arrangement.
The only mods I did was lower the belt and glossed the gauntlets.
LoL. Thanks. I do love the figure and glad I got it, I just gave it a tough grade because after all these years and the attempts at a Begins figure by HTs and other companies, this one should have been really spot on accurate especially at 1/4 size and cost. But with them having missed some of the details and proportions are little off, just felt this should be graded a little harder![]()
not really. HTs will do just fine and I will always buy any of their Batman figures no matter what. EBs is probably the best Begins figure to date, but doesn't mean they got all the details correct. Thats all i wanted to point out. The figure is really nice, just wish they pushed it a little further because they had an opportunity to make it really movie accurate. Doesn't mean this is a terrible figure in any way. I love it and glad i bought it
Can someone tell me why Enterbay the company that make this say it's on pre order...yet other companies are shipping...I think I'm going to buy direct from EB but am unsure of why there's a delay?
I ordered through Enterbay two weeks ago, and I'm wondering the same thing. Why are they still saying this is a preorder when it's been released over there already?
I just ordered Joker from them today. A guy on the Joker thread was saying it only took him about 2 weeks to get him but he never got any shipping/tracking info. Kind of sketchy but it sounds like they are shipping them out so I assume the same for Batman.
just put my order in at BBTS with reduced price to $374.99 (same for Joker)...a long wait but that gives me tons of time to save