Just got done opening the EB Robocop 1/4 figure I got recently from jrice. It's a really awesome figure for diehard Robocop fans. The "3" part doesnt bother me at all and it's not really within my thoughts while admiring this wonderful figure. Like Neny Dee said in his youtube video review, the figure looks like if it was blown up to 1/4 scale from 1/6 scale. It has that high end toy like quality and feel to it. Hard to explain unless you have it in your hands. Too bad the armor isnt made of die-cast and paint has too much clear coat over it.
Cons and issues:
- Cant bend the elbows 90 degrees.
- Black forearm gauntlet is made of soft rubber and is loose while mounted. Probably the only part that EB cut corners with this figure.
- Left arm was pushed in too much from factory. I had to slightly pull it out from its socket and everything was fine after that.
- Too much clear coat over the paint. Giving it that shine like a brand new car paint job.
Pros and likes:
- Paint job is very nice even though its not a darker shade like in the Robocop 1-2 movies.
- Opening leg holster is a cool function.
- The Robocop armor, helmet, faces, hands and Part 3 accessories are nicely detailed.
- EB package and protective packing helps keep the figure and items secure in box.
Overall I am really glad to have this 1/4 Robocop figure in my collection. It does have quite a few issues but I accept it for what it is that is fine with me. I was lucky enough to get it under msrp price. I would've gotten this either way as I wanted it from day 1.