Yep. I have a chance to clear my credit card with just another month or two, I want to take it. Aswell as avoid going outside of Terminator at high-end 1:4 scale.
Yep. I have a chance to clear my credit card with just another month or two, I want to take it. Aswell as avoid going outside of Terminator at high-end 1:4 scale.
I've got some NECA 1:4 Predators and an Alien. I've also got a Robocop and endoskeleton which I've relegated to the attic. I feel that the difference between high-end and low-end is more apparent on robot characters than it is on creatures so I'm content enough to continue displaying the Predators and Alien while ridding my sight of the Robocop and endo.
Initially probably, only if its the 1987 or P2 version. But even then I will take any excuse I can get not to make the purchase - such as the probability that they'll be full of inaccuracies given that HT isn't fussy about such things on its non-human figures.
Are the 1/6th Predator figures inaccurate?
Yeah. The likenesses tend to be off as much as say the new Loki (prototype) looks nothing like Tom Hiddleston. Most people don't care in the case of the predators and Aliens though. Mind you they did make something of an effort with the most recent P2 greyback (elder) predator.
Anyone had anything confirmed from Timcent yet?
im waiting a bit because he contacted me directly for ed209, he knows im waiting on robo to pull the trigger on both
so if i have no news yet its that he has nothing yet
i hope he gets the ex helmet.
It may not be Weller when the helmet is off, but it sure is a perfect likeness of the other guy. Figure does look great.
I just with there was as much color in the body armor as there is on that exposed head.