And all the clean version do not have this problem. Mine is perfect (for now * Bane Voice *).
Your right arm support the shootgun weight without problems?.
I have the same problem on both arms.
I think these are the best options:
1- Don´t move the arm.
2- Don´t tighten to much the screw inside the hole.
3- Glue the screw to the hole of the arm to avoit the screw rotate inside the hole.
Your right arm support the shootgun weight without problems?.
I have the same problem on both arms.
I checked my BD figure and he has the same articulation as clean version... but he doesn´t have to hold a shootgun, hahahah.
Jeff also was lucky:
Why would I tighten the screw to begin with?![]()
Really don't like the third option as it involves gluing parts.
So the weight of the shotgun is what causes this weak joint to break because it can't handle how heavy the shot gun is?
How do you mean he was lucky?
That´s what i did and later the articulation broke.
I don´t recomend tighten the screws. I prefer the figure can´t hold the shootgun than doesn´t have one arm.
Yeah, i was only searching for a solution.
Not, is not the weight of the shotgun.
The problem is with the articulation that can´t hold the shotgun with the arm up.
Because it looks the articulation is OK.
I taked a few pictures of the fix i did on my figure:
This is the normal screw:
Before and After:
Hmm interesting but if I have to do these type of mods I would rather not buy this.
It´s not a mod, it´s only if the tinny plastic of the arm it´s broken.
It was a solution for my figure but i don´t know if it will help for the other user that posted pictures.
Yeah, these last two pages cemented it for me. I'm definitely going to try and sell mine now. Atleast get back what I paid, plus shipping.
My arm/shoulder hasn't broken. After hearing about the weight of the shotgun since day one, I barely posed the damn thing. So I didn't really get to enjoy it at all.
So you figure it's better to sell it now while it is fine in case it breaks later on and you can't sell it?
Yeah. Sell it while it's fine/mint pretty much.
I went back and forth on it for a while and the hype ended up getting me. After I got it, I pretty much felt regret from day one. Not that it's bad, it's just high-end 1/4 collecting ain't for me.
I almost pulled the trigger on the 1/4 BD T-800 version for that fantastic headsculpt alone.
Smart move.
Oh join the club but the proportions of the figure like head looks too big and shoulders look slouched prevented me from pulling the trigger. Nevertheless, that head sculpt still tempts me till this day.