The more I look at the pictures, the more I can't even begin to imagine how huge that display is, an 18" figure looks like a 12" one against all that. Very impressive though.
Congratulations, this is just the coolest thing I have ever seen !!!
I'm jealous, really !
The more I look at the pictures, the more I can't even begin to imagine how huge that display is, an 18" figure looks like a 12" one against all that. Very impressive though.
Thank you so much Pizza! What is really cool about it is that you can do exactly the same thing, maybe bar the display case but the way i have my figure posed and displayed is easily done, all you have to do is be creative with the diorama....get some rocks, pile them up, add some sand and before you know it you've got a diorama! Try it! I'm really looking forward to seeing some new Rambo displays pretty soon...
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and then the final display which i was really happy with...can't believe this has taken a month from start to finish! Still have to complete my Filmation He-Man Masters of the Universe 1/6 scale diorama next with a Castle Greyskull background! Sheesh!
Thanks again Maulfan! Its so big, and this is no joke, i could squeeze myself into it and i'm 6ft 1"! Actually, maybe not all of me but pretty much most of me... MaulFan, have you any plans for a future Rambo display for your figure? You managed to bust out some great poses - especially with Rambo actually using the bow! I havent seen many Rambos pull that move off and it would make for a great display!
I have purchased my new lights today and im ready to install them for some new updated pics. The lights i have in at the moment are a very cold blue LED, the ones i have purchased are a much warmer orange colour to give off that desert themed atmosphere. Pics up soon
Hi Geil, hope "oh aeeeeh" is a good thing?
It's just saw aw
I just moved into a new home a few weeks ago so I'm in the process of setting him up, haven't quite found a pose I really like long term yet.
wow how made the rock and sand ????
this, is too awesome!
ok after a large meal and lots of energy drinks I can manage to stay conscious and say that this thing is again a masterpiece ah ting of beauty and just aw....
Hey guys, managed to fit in some lights last night, similar to those used for my T2 display. I have to say that in person the lighting effect when combined with the deep black acrylic background is spectacular and creates a very eerie atmosphere that i wasnt expecting...with that said, if i can find a light source that can give off a more yellow tinge (to represent the desert sunlight) then i think i could achieve that perfect look as the bluey white LED's i have used are not the right colour for desert is a pic of how it stands at the moment with the temporary lights
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sorry for the poor picture quality, it really doesnt do the display any justice and a new camera is on Santa's Christmas wishlist....along with the Hulk Maquette, Galactus Maquette, Batman PF, R2D2/C-3PO PF, Iron Man Mark VI 1:1 Bust, Iron Man LSB and the Hot Toys 1/6 1989 Batmobile which have all been PO'd this year Thanks Santa!
The jaket loos awsome did it come with the figure or is it a custom job
Man that's gotta be top 3 for best ever displays i've seen. Bravo sir!
Hey Rob that looks INCREDIBLE my friend!I'm glad you finally got that Rambo display finished!^_^ Can i ask you what are the dimensions for your displays?