Well, I've always felt the HT 1/4 scale bust was a bit off, and still do, but I think they were at least in the ballpark of Stallone more than EB is. I thought EB did amazing sculpt work on the T-800, their MIB sculpts look stunning, even their Scarfaces look great. Since I've been following Enterbay for the last year or so, this looks like the worst likeness they've turned out, and I'm not here to rip them for fun, I had big hopes for this figure, I love Rambo, I've got Rambo 2 and 4 and 1/4 scale, I liked the promise of having Rambo 3 and maybe some luck, a Rambo 1 to have every movie in the scale, but at $400, going off a head alone, I'm not feeling certainty of buying this, and I'm pretty open with Rambo, it takes a lot to dissappoint me, I defended the Sideshow PF against a lot of criticism. This was a bit of a dream piece for me and the portrait reveal, especially with how nice the early body sculpt and the accessories have looked, is a bit deflating.
Lmao I cant tell if your being serious or not. And judging by the pics you posted Enterbays is WAY more accurate.