i do too. was really excited for this but the bobble head is not only huge, but the tiny eyes make the face look like '70s fat Elvis. you could tell from the early pics that the head and body were gonna be disproportionate, so i'd planned on changing bodies and hoping the clothes would somewhat fit, but the face looks so off that it'll look beady eyed and fat no matter what body i put it on lol
Wow, that looks incredible. Still pondering this guy, I want to order one so badly, but my wallet is taking a big hit these next couple of months and I just don't know if I can swing it or not.
The guy is terrible to listen to and the way he handles the figure is just bad even though he says you need to handle it with care, but we get see some nice details.
Did you make the eyes wider? I see a color difference in the face, but I think it's just a bad sculpt to begin with so there's not much that can be done.