I'd flip for a PF episode 6 Emperor. My favorite pose would be the one where he's zapping Luke. That would be cool to see the PF with force lightning, and with that evil look in his face during that scene.
I definately agree that any PT incarnation of Palpatine should be saved for the 12" figures. It would make complete sense since most of the other 12" SW figures are from the PT. I think the OT figures are great, but I think some folks would go for the PT version of their favorite characters, afterall this new generation of SW fans were more familiar with the PT than the OT, not to mention the disillusioned fans who were taken aback by the PT. But the devoted fans love both. In the case of Palpatine I've got to see the PT and OT versions.
Bring on the PF Emperor, but I've got to see a 12" Palpatine pre-deformed with the red chancellor outfit (or red office robes). With Kit, Mace, Anakin, and Maul (if they add Sidious' black outfit the switch with the red outfit, which makes the TPM, AOTC, and early ROTS Sidious, which can also go great with Dooku - should he ever be made) to go with, how can they not make it that way.