Hey, Indy fans are known to that to:
Could not agree more
Hey, Indy fans are known to that to:
They mentioned earlier in the film that Dooku trained Qui-Gon.
Nice to see that there is some love for TPM on here.
I know I am in the minority but I actually feel it's the best of the new SW films. It's the one that feels the most like a SW film to me. Yes it has any faults but I can look past them to the stuff I love. Qui, Maul, Lightsaber duel and the Pod Race are amoung the best things in the new trilogy.
AOTC is by far the worst SW film. And while I liked ROTS the first time I saw it in the theater it has since gone down hill for me.
I just can't get past the fact that Vader does nothing. He cuts off Mace's hand, Kills baby Jedi, Kills unarmed aliens, and then gets his but kicked by Obi. It all just ruins the OT for me just a bit.
I also hate the Yoda/Emperor fight also. And general grievous and the plot surrounding sucked and was a waste of time.
Which film and when?
I just can't get past the fact that Vader does nothing. He cuts off Mace's hand, Kills baby Jedi, Kills unarmed aliens, and then gets his but kicked by Obi. It all just ruins the OT for me just a bit.
I was under the impression that Obi Wan did teach Anakin his lightsaber technique. There are a few shots in the ROTS duel where they are mirror images of each other as they fight. I thought it was just a matter of Anakin being way more aggressive and Obi Wan letting him overdue it, which eventually does him in.
That's just my opinion, though. I don't know if it's been otherwise explained.
For the end duel, yes. Which adds EVEN MORE to the inconsistency. Obi Wan likes fighting with one lightsaber (even against Grevious who had 4), whereas Anakin, at times, prefers two. Obi Wan has that "peace-out dude" stance, whereas Anakin holds his saber above his head. Definitely two distinct styles.
You are correct. They are 2 distinct forms of fighting. Though they can and do practice more than one style. Anakin practiced Form V: Shien / Djem So "Way of the Krayt Dragon" while Kenobi practiced Form III: Soresu "Way of the Mynock". Also, Anakin got his rear kicked because of his arrogance and kenobi being a better strategist, not because Kenobi was better swordsman.
"Anakin practiced Form V: Shien and a few of Ataru's flashier moves. He began to master Form V's powerful subform, Djem So, after his defeat at the hands of Count Dooku on Geonosis. It proved most effective; with his mastery of Djem So, and his feint in using the opening stance of Shien, he was able to overpower and defeat Count Dooku during their second duel, which took place onboard Invisible Hand. Anakin also used Djem So when he fought with his former friend and Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar. Though Anakin's skill and technique with Djem So outclassed Kenobi's Soresu, Kenobi defeated the newly crowned Lord of the Sith in their fierce duel. Despite Skywalker being a better physical opponent than Kenobi, Kenobi had more skill in strategy than Skywalker had in dueling. Through the duel Kenobi gave ground, used less energy defending himself than by pressing the assault, and won the duel by taking the high ground. Obi-Wan's patience and experience with Soresu, paired with Sokan, was enough to best the overconfident young Sith Lord who, after being duped by Kenobi, arrogantly initiated his own defeat trying to jump to Obi-Wan's hightened position."
I believe it was in AOTC, on Geonosia when Dooku was talking with the captured Obi Wan. He talks about how Qui Gon would've joined his cause and it is there that we learned that Dooku was Qui Gon's master. 'course, I could be wrong on this...
When discussing the films, it's best to leave the EU stuff out of it and vice-versa. They're two separate entities.
All that training so that by the end of ANH, they could slap each other with their wet noodles...![]()
Yet another discussion about the films is ruined by EU crap.
Why do SW conversations always have to turn into geek fests about fighting styles or something?
Yeah, and talking about Star Wars movies is not geeky in itself.
Not when we're talking about whether its a good film or not. Inevitably some uber geek has to validate or invalidate the quality of the movie or the coolness of the character by bringing up stupid ^^^^ like "Bossk kills Wookies, so he rules" or "The love scenes in AOTC really make sense when you consider that Padme in the comics...blah blah blah."