Wait, you're being serious? Are you? Are...you? Equilibrium = Fahrenheit 451 except dumber and with more guns/explosions. Okay, well, there's some thematic differences too.
I am not saying Equilibrium is a far better movie, that is what you are saying, I'm just saying it's a cool movie he might enjoy.
No I agree that Fahrenheit 451 is a better movie, I don't agree with you saying that Equilibrium is NOT a scifi film when it shares some themes and ideas from Fahrenheit 451. It is definitely a sci fi movie.
How is it sci-fi?
My understanding of sci-fi is that it is a bit more then an oppressive regime and an "out of this world" martial arts.
Well sci-fi is short for Science Fiction...and I would consider a drug is used by a regime to oppress ALL emotion to be science fiction
Is there a "mild science fiction" section on the board?
Is there a "mild science fiction" section on the board?
Maybe we should start one?
Is mild science fiction anything like soft rock? I love me some Christopher Cross.
A lot of people I talk to have never heard of Sunshine--add that to the list.
A lot of people I talk to have never heard of Sunshine--add that to the list.