Eternal - 1/6 Gentleman of Crime (Batman Returns Penguin)

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So this is a win all round, Mars would have sculpted hair. If they are doing that Mars could do " Sewer Mayor" have him in his mayors outfit.
Hope this is the case - that way both companies (and us the customers) win.
I know I'm in for both if they go this route (possibly in for both anyway.... but I'm a sick man whose example no one should follow)

Honestly worth just getting at that price to mix and match with Mars version to have the best of both.
Yeah that is a great price, absolutely worth it just for the possibility of it coming out great

Not sure if anyone has noticed, but it looks like Mars has updated their original preview to reflect the duck boat will be an “extra sale”. I hope the penguin army is still included with the figure.
Glad they are making the duck boat an optional extra - I'm absolutely 100% in for buying it and now people who don't want it don't have to.

Very exciting times!!
The only thing that worries me is the "all new body". I hope its not loose as a goose and can't hold up his own weight.

I have to decide if the hypno-umbrella, penguins, and having an extra head and hands and half-eaten fish is worth $183 in case the figure itself sucks and its only good for parts.

I do really like that umbrella...

I'll have to make Fred's hand.
IMO if the accessories and outfit come out decent, then even if the figure and head sculpts are subpar then it would be worth the price.
I mean the hypno-umbrella and the penguins alone would be a nightmare to replicate yourself, should Mars Toys reach stretch beyond its grasp.
My concern is Mars has a lot of figures to finish so Penguin for them will take time.

I'm happy to get this one for now just happy we finally got a penguin.
Agreed I believe their 66 riddler and penguin haven’t even gone up for po yet. I hope they didn’t bite off more than they can chew….
Wonder why the sculpt and the penguins are blurred out on OSK. More covert ops? You already have to log in to see it.
My concern is Mars has a lot of figures to finish so Penguin for them will take time.

I'm happy to get this one for now just happy we finally got a penguin.
I haven’t followed Mars until recently but I’ve heard one knock against them previously is that they’re pretty slow.

The Romero Joker was a pretty quick turnaround though. Still I think they are stacking their plate pretty high and I’m curious how fast they’ll be able to churn things out.

The Keaton Bruce Wayne is fairly basic but still hasn’t released. Granted I know the sculpt is being reworked but still.
I really don't see how this could get messed up too much in production. Maybe the paint job won't be quite as good, but that's par for the course with these third party figures.
Just log in then go to the landing page should be the first thing
Weird I am not seeing anything, I can't find the Forever Riddler anymore either. Wonder if Kit has it region locked as well?

Can someone confirm they are still seeing it on the site when logged in?
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I’m just going to wait and see Mars’ offering first.

I’ve waited 11 years already - I guess I can wait a little bit more just to be safe. :lol

But yeah, I’m concerned about Mars’ biting off more than they can chew too - they haven’t even put their Tommy Lee Jones Two-Face up for preorder, or Burgess Meredith Penguin, or Frank Gorshin Riddler - these figures have been teased for months upon months.

I really hope Mars’ doesn’t split town under all this pressure.
I'd honestly happily wait if the quality that they put out from now is anywhere near the 66 Joker.
So this is a win all round, Mars would have sculpted hair. If they are doing that Mars could do " Sewer Mayor" have him in his mayors outfit.
Looks like Mars version is still in the very early stages, so the fact this one will be available at the end of the year makes it a whole lot harder to pass on.

Fortunately I don't have a huge preference as to which outfit he's wearing.
I'm hesitant to pull the trigger. As good as this looks, it seems a bit off to me to give him the top hat, overcoat and umbrella and then not complete the ensemble. Of course there's no guarantee that Mars Toys will do it either.


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