Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell - Stand Decals - Updated 5/31

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Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

Your base decals are INCREDIBLE! I so need one of those mirror ones for my Keaton Batman! :rock And more....
I wish I had had them all on my museum exhibit ones.

PMing you again soon. Rock on EvilFace!
Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

No PM yet :panic:

Anyway, here was some recent customs I made and forgot to post in this thread.


Dude, I don't collect 12 inch figures but I use to collect GI Joes when I was younger and you are correct that the Battle Android Trooper was the coolest! Your custom one beats it all to hell :rock. I think the only thing cooler would be some sort of light up function or a hologram like the original. :duff
Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

Thanks a lot EVILFACE! The decals really complete these awesome customs. Freddy and Michael Myers were done by One's Customs. The Evil Dead 2 Ash was done by Betomatali. He is on a Comedian body.
Thanks again EVILFACE.



Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

Got my Steel Brigade name decals today :rock :rock :rock

"Chaseing Away Darkness"....:lol :lol :lol

Sounds like an emo rock band.

Feedback left :bow
Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

bad ass man....................:rock:rock:rock

what custom is the return of the living dead for decal for?
Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

The predator and imperial ones are bad@ss!

The Matrix one as well, Platty :wave
Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

Dude.. that Pred one is AWESOME!

I think that's my new fave of decals you've done, followed closely by the Se7en one you did a few weeks back.
Re: Evilface's Fourth Circle of Hell

What custom is the shiny Bat symbol for?