Exclusive items and Sideshow's policy on them

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Darth Cruel

Super Freak
Mar 4, 2007
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Siedshow has stated that they will not use an accessory that has been used as an exclusive item on any other figure in the 1:6 scale format (and maybe other formats, but I am not familiar with them). I have a few thoughts on that and would like to hear some others.

Mine are:

1) There was a lot of hope that the Stormtrooper blaster would come as an exclusive item with Han Solo: Smuggler - Tattooine. Sideshow's policy makes this impossible because if they had given it to Han as an exclusive...our Stormtroopers would not be able to have them.

2) Sideshow was once against trying to do General Grievous as a 1:6 scale figure. But the popularity of the line has changed their minds about that (thank you to all of the collectors who helped out there by buying the figures). But Sideshow has used General Grievous' blaster as an exclusive (for Obi-Wan), so it seems to me that unless they disregard that policy. When we finally get a General Grievous, it will be without the blaster.

3) Further, when we get Jabba's palace/skiff/yacht soldiers...NONE of them will be able to have the skiff guard blaster as an accessory as this one was the Exclusive for Jedi Luke. This troubles me.

4) It seems to me that Sideshow has noticed this because the exclusive items are much more specific to the character than those first few were.
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Siedshow has stated that they will not use an accessory that has been used as an exclusive item on any other figure in the 1:6 scale format (and maybe other formats, but I am not familiar with them). I have a few thoughts on that and would like to hear some others.

Mine are:

1) There was a lot of hope that the Stormtrooper blaster would coma as an exclusive item with Han Solo: Smuggler - Tattooine. Sideshow's policy makes this impossible because if they had given it to Han as an exclusive...our Stormtroopers would be able to have them.

2) Sideshow was once against trying to do General Grievous as a 1:6 scale figure. But the popularity of the line has changed their minds about that (thank you to all of the collectors who helped out there by buying the figures). But Sideshow has used General Grievous' blaster as an exclusive (for Obi-Wan), so it seems to me that unless they disregard that policy. When we finally get a General Grievous, it will be without the blaster.

3) Further, when we get Jabba's palace/skiff/yacht soldiers...NONE of them will be able to have the skiff guard blaster as an accessory. This troubles me.

1. Really a comment :monkey1

2. Where DID Grevious get the blaster from?

3. I think, like the Legolas hand, it would be different in SOME way.
Maybe the skiff guard blasters will be different.

Maybe SS will rid themselves of the exclusive rule.

Maybe they won't make a Grievous... maybe HT will. Then the rule doesn't apply. OR maybe they'll make Grievous' gun 'firing' in some way so it's different.
I think some are taking this too seriously. It was a rule they probably used as a marketing ploy for the exclusive items. but honestly how can they forsee what will happen 4 years down when the line had just started?

If they have to repeat an exclusive item for a character that they want to sell, i highly doubt something that small will stop it. No one will go to jail if they break this rule. :cool:
3) Further, when we get Jabba's palace/skiff/yacht soldiers...NONE of them will be able to have the skiff guard blaster as an accessory as this one was the Exclusive for Jedi Luke. This troubles me.
Great. That puts an end to all that Skiff Guard Lando bla bla bla. I hope we'll get a state of the art BESPIN Lando, with a great blue cape, and a descent (as in 'no, not a bottle of Cold 45') exclusive. And I hope we get it soon too.
I think some are taking this too seriously. It was a rule they probably used as a marketing ploy for the exclusive items. but honestly how can they forsee what will happen 4 years down when the line had just started?

If they have to repeat an exclusive item for a character that they want to sell, i highly doubt something that small will stop it. No one will go to jail if they break this rule. :cool:

Exactly, I highly doubt it would be a big deal if an item were repeated down the line... Just as long as the item in question is not an exclusive for 2 characters. Being a stock item with one character and exclusive with another does not make it a repeat Exclusive item. So in a way, the rules are never broken. :D
What is funny is the fact that we are quoting SSC's rules about what SSC can do. These are not rules governed by LFL, these are self-imposed rules that in reality do nothing more than to hype SSC Direct purchases. Due to the fact that they are in full SSC's own rules they can break them at will whenever they choose, also remember the slightest difference can change it completely. IF they created a Grevious as it appears they are trying to, they could simply weather it and it'd be different.....remember we are dealing with accessories of a figure and not the figure itself. I'm more interested in the original thought that they wouldn't revisit a character in the same form.....that will truely set them apart from Hasbro.
I still say that the Skiff/Palace blaster won't have the twisty bit of metal if they use it as a mass piece. As for not going back to characters, nothing stopping them from making ohh sayy.. head packs. :lol What would be interesting is if they made head packs and then certain items available for customized figures. Say a navy blue jacket that's a little loose.
I really don't think the Skiff Guard Gun will be an issue as I don't think this line will get big enough to have to use that character. Not that I think this line is going to die any time soon, I think it will before they have to result to that character
The blaster was not actually General Grievous's. He got the weapon from that spinning wheel vehicle. He just used it.
The blaster was not actually General Grievous's. He got the weapon from that spinning wheel vehicle. He just used it.

I'd say that Grevious blaster is more important to Obi-wan than Grevious. He'd be fine if he didn't come with it, as long as he had 4 lightsabers.

Not sure what is being said about the stormtrooper blaster - it's not an exclusive item and it already came with Leia.

The Legolas hand would still fall into the rules even if it hadn't been modified - I think they've stated that they wouldn't release an item as a regular accessory in the same line. Since it's from a different line it's fair game.

The skiff blaster might be problematic, but if this line gets to Klaatu, Barada and Nikto I'll be surprised.
What's with the pic? Because I remember a scene from a movie?

Maybe I should put a obviously airbrushed scantly dressed chick my sig so people will think I'm cool :lol
Most of my exclusive items seem to stay in the box so I don't care if they repeat them or not.
If you wanna get really technical (as I am wont to do), the wheel bike belongs to Grievous--it was custom made for him. The blaster is, again, his own, a modified version of the blasters the Battle Droids use, only formatted according to his specifications. In addition, he always kept his weapons stored in his vehicles--that's why it was available right at that moment. :lecture
It's so crazy how each and every SW thread eventually devolves into a battle between the Medicom/HT crowd and the SSC "Locals". :censored

It's just insane to me.
Siedshow has stated that they will not use an accessory that has been used as an exclusive item on any other figure in the 1:6 scale format (and maybe other formats, but I am not familiar with them). I have a few thoughts on that and would like to hear some others.

Mine are:

1) There was a lot of hope that the Stormtrooper blaster would coma as an exclusive item with Han Solo: Smuggler - Tattooine. Sideshow's policy makes this impossible because if they had given it to Han as an exclusive...our Stormtroopers would be able to have them.

2) Sideshow was once against trying to do General Grievous as a 1:6 scale figure. But the popularity of the line has changed their minds about that (thank you to all of the collectors who helped out there by buying the figures). But Sideshow has used General Grievous' blaster as an exclusive (for Obi-Wan), so it seems to me that unless they disregard that policy. When we finally get a General Grievous, it will be without the blaster.

3) Further, when we get Jabba's palace/skiff/yacht soldiers...NONE of them will be able to have the skiff guard blaster as an accessory as this one was the Exclusive for Jedi Luke. This troubles me.

3) It seems to me that Sideshow has noticed this because the exclusive items are much more specific to the character than those first few were.

Eeeew who would want SSC to make Jabba's skiff gaurds anyway? Make figures that haven't been made yet. Like EU character's for example Mara Jade or Grand Admiral Thrawn. I'd love to have a Mara figure to stand next to Luke.