Real Fur or GTFO
The first HT Chewie was done really well
The first HT Chewie was done really well
Any news on the Clavius figure release?
Because of the virus situation, the Clavius suit was delayed as you know- BUT, that delay is coming to an end soon, and the production run could start any time. During the waiting period, two other 2001 projects have been in development. So, when the various production entities involved become sufficiently functional again, the Clavius suit plus two more items will be coming, fairly close in release time to each other I believe. (not too close, but close.)
You've heard about the flight attendants; here's a hint for the other item:
"Well Hal, I'm damned if I can find anything wrong with it."
FlyAndFlight, those have been discussed, and research for the flight suits has been done for possible future release... Good guess, but no. This item will be totally surprising; it was to me. When I learned of it and started doing research for it, it "lit me up"...
Yodasan: No.
Any talk of rereleasing Bowman and Poole...even without any improvements? I would be all in for any future releases but without those two to anchor the collection it would be easier just to walk away. Pass it on to Executive Replicas.
Well, they're re-releasing their 2001 Red and Yellow spacesuits but without the Bowman and Poole headsculpts and without the actual figures that go with them.
Yes! Now I can at least get the suits finally as I missed out on the originals
I forgot to come here and announce these, but happy to see several of you beat me to it. What hasn't been mentioned is the fact that these new helmets include the silver antennas on the back that were missing from the original figure releases.
I forgot to come here and announce these, but happy to see several of you beat me to it. What hasn't been mentioned is the fact that these new helmets include the silver antennas on the back that were missing from the original figure releases.
Hey Anthrapoid, I know you have been working on getting a custom Floyd sculpt made to go with the Clavius moon base suit, any chance in getting the same sculptor to do new Bowman and Poole sculpts to go with these suits?