EXO-6 Star Trek “The Motion Picture (TMP)” Figures

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Ilia was a horrible character made in that very Gene Roddenberry kind of way where he has a bit of a hippie mentality was was somewhat of a perv.

Honestly, TMP is exactly what is generally claimed, kind of a bad movie. Even the big obsessive hardcore fans can't agree. ;)

I do like a few of the scenes. But Star Trek kind of grew beyond Gene. Like how Star Wars grew beyond Lucas and became something else he couldn't master and kind of shouldn't. It's good he was forced out of later Star Trek TOD movies.
I received my McCoy yesterday and opened him today cuz it's my birthday
Happy Birthday and many happy returns!
I also received him yesterday and I'm impressed with the overall figure. In my opinion the earlier observation that the beard adds enough to the head size that it may look out of proportion with Kirk and Spock is an illusion. With the trio in place they look great together! Of course, I do wish the three had their uniforms as that was how we saw them for the bulk of the film and they never interacted with each other while dressed as they are. However, that said, I also appreciate the thought that this is how w e first see them in the story.
Now we are all ready for their characters in their uniforms.
Happy Birthday and many happy returns!
I also received him yesterday and I'm impressed with the overall figure. In my opinion the earlier observation that the beard adds enough to the head size that it may look out of proportion with Kirk and Spock is an illusion. With the trio in place they look great together! Of course, I do wish the three had their uniforms as that was how we saw them for the bulk of the film and they never interacted with each other while dressed as they are. However, that said, I also appreciate the thought that this is how w e first see them in the story.
Now we are all ready for their characters in their uniforms.
Thank you. I feel the same as you, I would much rather have them in uniform. However, I am very grateful to have them just the way that they are. Iia as V'ger probe would have been nice though.
I actually watched TMP on Friday night. Got a new OLED tv for the basement living room. Beautiful 4K transfer.

It’s a shame we got the outfits we did for the figures. I think Kirk’s is fine since it’s a uniform at least. Spock is wearing something that’s fitting to his character. McCoy though.. his outfit is a look he wears so briefly and doesn’t fit much about his character.
View attachment 760618View attachment 760618Dr. McCoy arrived yesterday and I am thrilled to add him to the collection. Hopefully, The Wrath of Khan version of the good Doctor goes up for preorder soon.
Why does Spock look the shortest of the three when in reality Nimoy was taller than both Shatner and Kelley?
It’s a shame we got the outfits we did for the figures. I think Kirk’s is fine since it’s a uniform at least. Spock is wearing something that’s fitting to his character. McCoy though.. his outfit is a look he wears so briefly and doesn’t fit much about his character.
I partially agree with you- but with a TOS, a TWOK (& maybe a TUC ) McCoy coming, it's cool to have some fun with a Disco McCoy! It's novel, unique & amusing amongst the collection! It's a figure that arguably requires a sense of humor to appreciate 🖖🚀
I partially agree with you- but with a TOS, a TWOK (& maybe a TUC ) McCoy coming, it's cool to have some fun with a Disco McCoy! It's novel, unique & amusing amongst the collection! It's a figure that arguably requires a sense of humor to appreciate 🖖🚀
Nah.. the idea was Nanjin had it in his mind to do the three characters as they first appeared in the movie. On the surface that might be a cool idea, but in practice the results are mixed.
Nah.. the idea was Nanjin had it in his mind to do the three characters as they first appeared in the movie. On the surface that might be a cool idea, but in practice the results are mixed.
I think they're unique, and that's one of the reasons I bought them. I'm an old school Trek fan, one who waited thru the 70's for Trek to return, wondering if it ever would. Like everyone else, I had mixed feelings at the time over TMP. It was great seeing the old crew again and I wanted so badly to like the movie, but I didn't really. It's grown on me over the years because as I got older, I realized THAT was Rodenberry's true vision of Trek. But one movie of the "true vision" was enough for me. And while I was glad he got relegated to the sidelines for the next Trek movies, I believe he's spinning in his grave watching what Paramount is doing with his vision these days ( Discovery, cough, cough Discovery). That said, I'm not so sure I would have bought any of the figures from TMP had he done them in the pajamas. They definitely wouldn't have been a must buy, may not have even picked them up on discount. But because these were unique, and represent the movie, I snagged these. To each their own. :)
Nah.. the idea was Nanjin had it in his mind to do the three characters as they first appeared in the movie. On the surface that might be a cool idea, but in practice the results are mixed.
The first time we see Spock in the movie he is on Vulcan wearing a ceremonial Kolinahr outfit. And his hair is much different. Frankly, I think this would have been a much purer and more interesting Kolinahr version if you're going that route!

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The first time we see Spock in the movie he is on Vulcan wearing a ceremonial Kolinahr outfit. And his hair is much different. Frankly, I think this would have been a much purer and more interesting Kolinahr version if you're going that route!

View attachment 760731
My mistake, I meant to say he made them as they first appeared on the Enterprise. Thus why Spock is wearing his robe. The other two would be the same anyways.
Nah.. the idea was Nanjin had it in his mind to do the three characters as they first appeared in the movie. On the surface that might be a cool idea, but in practice the results are mixed.
I think it was a great idea, except that it was done at the expense of not having a single figure in the "standard duty" blue-gray color (whatever that color is) uniform. I'm a little bummed about that.

Ordinarily it would have been a natural fit to make a Decker figure in that uni to accompany them, but... well... Stephen Collins, nuf said.
I think it was a great idea, except that it was done at the expense of not having a single figure in the "standard duty" blue-gray color (whatever that color is) uniform. I'm a little bummed about that.

Ordinarily it would have been a natural fit to make a Decker figure in that uni to accompany them, but... well... Stephen Collins, nuf said.
If EXO were to do only one in the pajama's, just to represent the uniform, it would have been cool to have Scotty. He'd go well with Kirk.