EXO-6 Star Trek "The Wrath of Khan" Figures

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Sigh, late to this party, this is my fav ST film and looks like i can only get the regular version of Saavik. Won’t make that mistake with the other figures. And we need a bare chested Khan in all his Montalban glory!!
Sigh, late to this party, this is my fav ST film and looks like i can only get the regular version of Saavik. Won’t make that mistake with the other figures. And we need a bare chested Khan in all his Montalban glory!!
Keep an eye on Toyanxiety. They'll probably be breaking down some Exo figures soon so you can try to get the jacket.
I’d love to commission someone to repaint some of my sculpts but just can’t justify doing so when so many painters charge the price of a couple figures.

I realize it’s a talent and time consuming but just a little much for me. It would have to be a character I really care about and whose paint apps really let me down.
Anyone have some great tutorials for that kind of stuff? I could buy some crap cheap Temu or AliExpress 1/6 heads and practice a bit, do horrible, realise I don't have the time to get good because I have a job and kids, then end up giving up. But .1% chance it sticks and I make some good heads.
The anticipation is strong with this one…

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Looking fantastic! What was her turnaround time?

Of the figures I have so far (TNG and ENT), I’d be tempted to have Picard’s eyes fixed and T’Pol would benefit from a repaint after seeing what Dave did with his.

Got a feeling Riker will need some tweaks as well.

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