EXO-6 Star Trek "The Wrath of Khan" Figures

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Hello Everyone,

I'm incredibly new to all of this so I appreciate all of the information that you have all gathered here, it has proved to be very helpful! It's been impossible to find information about this stuff anywhere else.

I wanted to ask if there is anything that I should be aware of when it comes to the TWOK McCoy, Kirk, and Spock figures? They're really the only figures that I am interested in but judging by how everyone speaks about them it seems to be more or less a bit of a waiting game? Also is there a possibility that they are just never released?

As a newcomer to all of this, any information would be appreciated!
Hello Everyone,

I'm incredibly new to all of this so I appreciate all of the information that you have all gathered here, it has proved to be very helpful! It's been impossible to find information about this stuff anywhere else.

I wanted to ask if there is anything that I should be aware of when it comes to the TWOK McCoy, Kirk, and Spock figures? They're really the only figures that I am interested in but judging by how everyone speaks about them it seems to be more or less a bit of a waiting game? Also is there a possibility that they are just never released?

As a newcomer to all of this, any information would be appreciated!
Thank you for your question!
Exo-6 TWOK figures were originally announced for "Summer 2023", on the company's YouTube channel.
It appears McCoy Pre-orders will be this year!