I don’t understand the mentality of wanting to see the actual numbers. I’ve never known a company to make all their numbers public to consumers; where does this sort of entitlement come from…?
I don’t understand the mentality of wanting to see the actual numbers. I’ve never known a company to make all their numbers public to consumers; where does this sort of entitlement come from…?
And the unbelievably asinine suggestion that people are being suckered into buying figures they don't want just because they're not releasing TOS yet.It's kind of along the same lines as people judging how quickly the line is moving based on which of their favorite show is being repped the most.
There is no mentality of anyone wanting to be shown the numbers, I said he's never going to show us the numbers but people are going to continue to peddle the narrative that everything is working great just because he's still in business for now. It's the same mentality with kurtzman trek, how many people here still actually believe that shlock is profitable just because they've continued to make new content all these years even though no ones actually watching it and it pulls in no money or new fans. Someone who's been following along knows they only keep making it because of investor money and were at the end of that, but you still have delusional people out there running with the narrative that they still make new trek so it must be doing well or they wouldn't keep doing it. You're never going to get through to these people just like I'm seeing a similar response here with this. Again they could show us the numbers to prove these shows are doing well but we know they never will.I don’t understand the mentality of wanting to see the actual numbers. I’ve never known a company to make all their numbers public to consumers; where does this sort of entitlement come from…?
Hes literally doing it with Bashir right now but keep lashing out and denying reality.And the unbelievably asinine suggestion that people are being suckered into buying figures they don't want just because they're not releasing TOS yet.
Big Main Character Syndrome energy.
No its not. All the dude had to do was do an even spread of characters per show. 1 character or so per show back to back, then another all the way down the line and literally no one would have said a word. Each show and there fans would have had a somewhat even influx of stuff they wanted since the start, but he didn't do that and we know why. He knew if he did that then the majority of people would pass on most of the figures and just wait 6 months to a year each year for their next tng and or tos figure and then every retailer would be stuck with voyager, enterprise, picard, discovery, mirror crap and half of ds9. Literally every day on Facebook im seeing someone put there figures up for sale or on ebay because they were convinced by nanjin that if they didn't support his business and decisions than they wouldn't get the figures they wanted, let alone the side characters hes half pretending to want to make. It's clear that a lot of these people (not all) didn't really want most of the figures but they supported nanjin and liked the shows enough to say f it and bought them. Now that nanjjn can't drag his feet too terribly longer, more people are selling these off and picking up tng and ds9. What do you thinks going to happen if he finally concedes and releases the first true tos figure? More sell offs...It's kind of along the same lines as people judging how quickly the line is moving based on which of their favorite show is being repped the most.
Difficult to know. Production costs, production availability, and the likely popularity of particular characters were considerations as to when and how to pitch them to appeal to all the fans. He's using pre-order sales to partially fund production costs for the next run but to succeed, you have to be able to deliver. Remember the shortfall of availability for QMX Scotty and Sulu?No its not. All the dude had to do was do an even spread of characters per show. 1 character or so per show back to back, then another all the way down the line and literally no one would have said a word. Each show and there fans would have had a somewhat even influx of stuff they wanted since the start, but he didn't do that and we know why. He knew if he did that then the majority of people would pass on most of the figures and just wait 6 months to a year each year for their next tng and or tos figure and then every retailer would be stuck with voyager, enterprise, picard, discovery, mirror crap and half of ds9. Literally every day on Facebook im seeing someone put there figures up for sale or on ebay because they were convinced by nanjin that if they didn't support his business and decisions than they wouldn't get the figures they wanted, let alone the side characters hes half pretending to want to make. It's clear that a lot of these people (not all) didn't really want most of the figures but they supported nanjin and liked the shows enough to say f it and bought them. Now that nanjjn can't drag his feet too terribly longer, more people are selling these off and picking up tng and ds9. What do you thinks going to happen if he finally concedes and releases the first true tos figure? More sell offs...
But who cares?There is no mentality of anyone wanting to be shown the numbers, I said he's never going to show us the numbers but people are going to continue to peddle the narrative that everything is working great just because he's still in business for now. It's the same mentality with kurtzman trek, how many people here still actually believe that shlock is profitable just because they've continued to make new content all these years even though no ones actually watching it and it pulls in no money or new fans. Someone who's been following along knows they only keep making it because of investor money and were at the end of that, but you still have delusional people out there running with the narrative that they still make new trek so it must be doing well or they wouldn't keep doing it. You're never going to get through to these people just like I'm seeing a similar response here with this. Again they could show us the numbers to prove these shows are doing well but we know they never will.
No its not. All the dude had to do was do an even spread of characters per show. 1 character or so per show back to back, then another all the way down the line and literally no one would have said a word. Each show and there fans would have had a somewhat even influx of stuff they wanted since the start, but he didn't do that and we know why. He knew if he did that then the majority of people would pass on most of the figures and just wait 6 months to a year each year for their next tng and or tos figure and then every retailer would be stuck with voyager, enterprise, picard, discovery, mirror crap and half of ds9. Literally every day on Facebook im seeing someone put there figures up for sale or on ebay because they were convinced by nanjin that if they didn't support his business and decisions than they wouldn't get the figures they wanted, let alone the side characters hes half pretending to want to make. It's clear that a lot of these people (not all) didn't really want most of the figures but they supported nanjin and liked the shows enough to say f it and bought them. Now that nanjjn can't drag his feet too terribly longer, more people are selling these off and picking up tng and ds9. What do you thinks going to happen if he finally concedes and releases the first true tos figure? More sell offs...
No its not. All the dude had to do was do an even spread of characters per show. 1 character or so per show back to back, then another all the way down the line and literally no one would have said a word. Each show and there fans would have had a somewhat even influx of stuff they wanted since the start, but he didn't do that and we know why. He knew if he did that then the majority of people would pass on most of the figures and just wait 6 months to a year each year for their next tng and or tos figure and then every retailer would be stuck with voyager, enterprise, picard, discovery, mirror crap and half of ds9. Literally every day on Facebook im seeing someone put there figures up for sale or on ebay because they were convinced by nanjin that if they didn't support his business and decisions than they wouldn't get the figures they wanted, let alone the side characters hes half pretending to want to make. It's clear that a lot of these people (not all) didn't really want most of the figures but they supported nanjin and liked the shows enough to say f it and bought them. Now that nanjjn can't drag his feet too terribly longer, more people are selling these off and picking up tng and ds9. What do you thinks going to happen if he finally concedes and releases the first true tos figure? More sell offs...
I don't understand why folks can't just say they are sad they don't have the figures they want released in the order they want.His plan, not star trek merchandise.
Receipts as in show me how many of each character were made and how many were sold. Read.
He obviously started with a certain amount of money. None of us have any idea what his margins are. He's never going to tell us if they're profitable or not and he's definitely the type of person to not say there's any problems and then one day just pull the plug out of no where.
What's clear is that what he's done right is convince people to buy figures from shows they didn't really want to buy while dangling the carrot of figures they want, for years. I'm seeing people all over trying to get rid of their exo-6 figures. I've picked up quite a few, I even got a bundle of 3 from someone for 400 and tmp Spock was in there.
Hes still in business because he's doing this for himself first and he clearly hasn't blown his budget... yet. Those other companies you mentioned make garbage, people are literally giving away super7 figures right now and trek is a dead franchise, all which lends more to my argument. If I'm wrong then just show the numbers, while we all sit here patiently waiting for figures we actually want to own and hope that half way through tng tos and movie figures that the line doesn't just die one day.
Also, can I just comment on how off-base the notion of Trek being a dead franchise is right now?I don't understand why folks can't just say they are sad they don't have the figures they want released in the order they want.
Talking about receipts and whatnot. You want your toy and that's a valid emotion, man. It's amazing how many hoops y'all jump through to blame your impatience on someone else.
Trek has never been dead. Even if it’s just the book or comics carrying it on.Also, can I just comment on how off-base the notion of Trek being a dead franchise is right now?
Three active ongoing series. One upcoming streaming movie. One upcoming ongoing series. And potentially a new theatrical film.
Even Star Wars doesn't have that much going on.
And on top of that, straight from a conversation I had with an exec at Paramount, there are at least 2 more shows in development that they haven't even announced yet.
Add to that a massive annual Vegas convention, multiple smaller conventions worldwide, and TWO annual cruises, and I think one could hardly say Trek is a dead franchise.
I'm not sad or impatient about anything, I honestly don't really care im just calling out reality which I know most people are allergic to. People here will always cope with their assumptions that if anyone says anything against the grain then they must be mad, impatient or missed out on something and it's embarrassing. I was simply giving my take after people were telling others to be patient and bringing up nanjins goofy plan and how well its going though you have no actual receipts for the claim other than nanjin says and that his nest egg hasn't dried up yet. Just like kurtzman trek is doing well because they have shows in development that will never see the light of day, a theatrical film that's been announced almost 7 times with different writers and directors that will never ever be made, on going shows that a few thousand people watch and make no money but are only made to push messages and make it look like the franchise isnt dead and a convention that a few thousand people go to, made up of 50+ year olds and that looks completely empty on live streams. Imagine being so dense that when you hear someone say something is dead, that they think that actually means 0 people like or consume products for that franchise smh.I don't understand why folks can't just say they are sad they don't have the figures they want released in the order they want.
Talking about receipts and whatnot. You want your toy and that's a valid emotion, man. It's amazing how many hoops y'all jump through to blame your impatience on someone else.
Ah. You're one of those "fans" that think Star Trek shouldn't be "pushing messages". Okay.I'm not sad or impatient about anything, I honestly don't really care im just calling out reality which I know most people are allergic to. People here will always cope with their assumptions that if anyone says anything against the grain then they must be mad, impatient or missed out on something and it's embarrassing. I was simply giving my take after people were telling others to be patient and bringing up nanjins goofy plan and how well its going though you have no actual receipts for the claim other than nanjin says and that his nest egg hasn't dried up yet. Just like kurtzman trek is doing well because they have shows in development that will never see the light of day, a theatrical film that's been announced almost 7 times with different writers and directors that will never ever be made, on going shows that a few thousand people watch and make no money but are only made to push messages and make it look like the franchise isnt dead and a convention that a few thousand people go to, made up of 50+ year olds and that looks completely empty on live streams. Imagine being so dense that when you hear someone say something is dead, that they think that actually means 0 people like or consume products for that franchise smh.
But as for impatience, in order for me to be impatient about these figures, I'd need to actually be excited and that's not possible when you know that more often then not that when a new figure is shown, the head sculpts look hideous or the outfits are inaccurate when they shouldn't be since nanjin is the expert of all experts yet we have unlicensed companies making better figures for less.
I'm not entirely sure that's what @FlanginHam meant, but if it is I hope he realizes Star Trek has been "pushing messages" from the jump. I would also implore him to use paragraphs for the love of everything Holy. lol I do want to read what you're writing, but you're making it very difficult to do so.Ah. You're one of those "fans" that think Star Trek shouldn't be "pushing messages". Okay.
Your engagement says otherwise. Caring is probably better than the other possibilities? You're bored? You're a generative AI assigned to be here?I honestly don't really care
If I misunderstood you, then sorry. It could be that you're expressing how confident you are in what both Trek and Nanjin are doing wrong, when both are fairly subjective things.I'm not sad or impatient about anything,
Gotta say, it does sound like you are disappointed that he's making the figures at a quality and in an order you don't like?But as for impatience, in order for me to be impatient about these figures, I'd need to actually be excited and that's not possible when you know that more often then not that when a new figure is shown, the head sculpts look hideous or the outfits are inaccurate when they shouldn't be since nanjin is the expert of all experts yet we have unlicensed companies making better figures for less.