Damn, that Tuvok looks sharp as hell in that side view. I wasn't the biggest fan of those uniforms at the time, but they sure do look great in 1/6 scale.
Giving us a preview without telling us you're giving us several at once! Spock, Tuvok, and 7 all look greatThe crew of Voyager are coming just going through some usual administrative procedures. View attachment 560624
Nice and totally agreeI literally don`t want fav characters to return, because this is what1s usually done to them: everything good in their life is demolished for the sake of creating a DRAMA to fuel the stories.
Look at Khan. He was completely fine at the end of the "Space seed". He had a nice, new planet, and his beloved crew, and a woman he loved. He had a cool job to do - create a new world. Yes is was going to be a hard job, but he was literally made for it, so the future held hope. When they took him into the movies and for the sake of drama, they literally destroyed everything good, and turned him into an evil, bitter man.
Look at Picard. He was fine at the end of TNG. He had a ship to run, and he had a brother to continue family business and family line. When they took him into the movies and for the sake of drama, they killed his brother and his nepfew. Came the next movie and for the sake of drama, they pulled out the most traumatic moment of Picards life, the Borg assimilation. They made him stew in it the whole movie and loose his **** completely. When they decided to bring him back for the series and again DRAMA. Again they`ve pulled out the traumatic theme, and made him live in his family estate, which he hated, which he ran away from, and which reminds him acutely of his loss of the family and his loneliness. They invented some new tragic theme with Romulan refugies, and leaving Star Fleet, in case that wasn`t enought drama.
Same with Riker and Diana. Of course, the dead child is what they deserved after everything, what else?
And of course, Seven. She was fine at the end of Voyager. Had returned home, had friends, a place, and a new romance (which might have led somewhere, or not, doesn`t matter). So when she showed up in STP, it was the same old story. Drama, drama, MORE DRAMA. No matter, if this trancision looks natural, or not. WHY does everything nice have to go to ****???
Why can`t SOMEONE in sequels have a break, IDK...
I guess, drama and bitter vigilante theme sells good.
Nice. Totally agree.There’s plenty of info out there where certain Youtube channels, such as Midnight’s Edge, have gone into plenty of detail behind the scenes from unknown sources. While you can’t definitively say anything is 100% concrete there is a lot of sense to be made regarding the whole licensing agreement surrounding Trek. There’s a reason that the Bad Robot Trek onward is different and even some of the recent ST show runners pretty much said it’s its own thing, as they’re all part of the Kelvin timeline. I know there’s a whole thing about Picard not being Kelvin timeline but I can’t consider it as part of the main timeline as most of it makes no sense.
Regarding what Nanjin has said in response, that’s absolutely fine. This isn’t my Trek, I find it all nonsense, but it is someone else’s and it is still Star Trek under banner however you feel.